1. I have this thing where whenever I am taking photos for blog purposes I put my hand up by my ear. It is the most illogical thing however I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon as it is the only “natural” pose I have. Because I always cup my ear, you know…
2. I made the stupid decision to drive by our old house today. Here’s the thing — while I love the improvements we have made to our new house, this place still doesn’t feel quite like home. And so I cry a lot about that. This could very well be because I am a woman and crying always sounds like the next best thing to do, but I truly didn’t think I would struggle with this whole moving thing so much. The good news is however that I now know how to make my husband very unhappy with me [because before I hadn’t had a clue…]. All I have to do is ask him while he is in the middle of painting a door if he thinks we should put our house up for sale. His answer in case you are wondering is absolutely not with maybe a few other words in between.
3. In approximately one week from today I will be at the happiest place on earth — Disney. I don’t know who is more excited, my four year old niece or me. I have a pretty good feeling it’s me.
4. IT SNOWED TODAY LIKE CATS AND DOGS. Except it was actually just snowflakes that fell from the sky and not living animals because that would be really disturbing and probably damage a lot of cars.
My husband knows that I make a really big deal about the first snow so he called me out to the living room this morning while I was in the middle of putting my make-up on, which led me to believe that Maggie pooped and he was showing it to me so I could clean it up, BUT NO. He simply grabbed my hand and told me to look out the window. This may have resulted in a few dancing spins and dips and exclamations of “WE DID IT!” [it’s just my natural go-to cheer], along with Dunkin’ Donuts munchkins and hot chocolate. And then when life couldn’t get any better, I got to work and my co-worker decorated my desk with inside snow and lights which meant life in fact could get better.
Long story short, the first day of snowfall makes for the best day in all of Winter and ever.
5. On that note, it’s time to go decorate my house for Christmas…fa la la la, la la la la