This picture serves no other purpose than to mention that these
Candelles candles are my absolute favorite and I can’t get enough. Seriously hands down one of my favorite shops I have had the pleasure of finding through blogging.
The lemon pack [consists of 3 different tins/scents] is amazing and you need it.
It’s the little things that have kept me sane [somewhat] this week.
If you agree, use LIYLOVE for 20% off your order.
Occasionally I find myself feeling the need to always have a topic or theme for my weekly blog posts. Like there needs to be a rhyme or reason to what I am writing about. As I was driving home from work today it hit me that rarely do I just take the opportunity to write real thoughts and happenings about life recently. And so today I am choosing to do so.
For starters, this week has been a little hectic. At my real job [we are going to pretend for a minute that blogging is my made-up job] we moved locations which basically means we moved from this awesome big building full of great wonderful people that I socialize with often to a small little building with just myself and two others. It may or may not have had dead ants all over the floor when we arrived but that is neither here nor there. For somebody who thrives off human interaction, this switch isn’t necessarily awesome. Being the woman that I am, I cried. a lot. And you know, being that I am only at my “real job” for 4 hours a day you wouldn’t think this would affect me so much. But, I like being dramatic and so it does. I know that it will be totally fine once I get all settled in and thankfully I really do enjoy the two others that I will now be stuck with for the rest of eternity so really it’s not as bad as I like to make it sound 😉 It’s just that as I get older I am amazed at how resilient I am becoming towards change. Oh to be young again.
Speaking of jobs, I recently became a project manager for
Pollinate Media which is super exciting to me. I have worked on campaigns frequently for Pollinate and so now to jump to the other side of things and help fellow bloggers with campaigns should be a fun change of pace. They also recently launched
Weave Made Media so if you are a blogger, be sure to check these two awesome companies out and hopefully I will work with you soon!
In other news, we decided a day ago to have a garage sale tomorrow so that’s awesome. The good news is we have absolutely nothing priced or organized so tonight should be a lot of fun in our household. Remind me to keep drinking rum this afternoon to deal with what’s about to go down in a few hours. If you are in tonight’s
blogger happy hour session, I apologize in advance 😉
Last but not least, I FINISHED THE 1800 MINUTE CHALLENGE. That felt kinda good, not gonna lie. At the beginning of May I didn’t think I was actually going to come through and get all of my minutes in. Fortunately I realized my butt needed a lot of work and so it kicked it up a notch. The bad news is, I am not ready for it to be over. The good news is, I am keeping the fun going. That’s right—starting June 1st #1000in30 begins. What does that mean you ask? 1,000 minutes in 30 days. BAM. If you want to join in on all of that goodness,
fill this form out here. We had over 1300 people participate in the #1800MinuteChallenge which was incredible and so fun to come together with so many others to better our health. I am hoping the momentum continues for #1000in30. Feel free to share the word on social media using the #1000in30 hashtag. The more the merrier.
Long story short–this has been my week. I have a headache, I’m tired, and the sunshine is calling my name. Peace out chicken littles.