My mind is so totally blank right now even typing this first sentence is nearly killing me. I just adore writer’s block. It’s so cute and fun. I could write about the beer that I am drinking but then that would sound like every other post I write. Or I could write about how I stepped on a cactus when taking outfit pictures this weekend but I don’t really want to relive that memory. I considered writing about how mowing is one of my favorite hobbies but realized it stopped getting interesting before it even got started. So basically I’m screwed. Except I’m not because of that thing I mentioned in the post earlier today, so that’s a lie too. I guess that leaves me to either end with three pictures of the FUPA’s [don’t know what it it] my husband just showed me or pictures of my niece and nephew. Niece and nephew for the win.
Hey it’s been real. Til’ next time.