The answer is no, I don’t know exactly what I want to talk about today. I delight in these days, not gonna lie. It’s so fun to me when I get to walk into the unknown and kinda just go “weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” through it all. So allow me if you will to go “weeeeeeeeeeeee” for a little while.
+ I attempted to make green beer today for St. Patricks Day. Turns out my beer wanted to be all trendy and turned itself a nice shade of aqua instead. I dig it.
+ It’s this little ones birthday today.
Homegirl knows how to get down.
That would be my niece, not my daughter. I still don’t have one of those. Why you ask? Because just when I was considering my other niece went and got a princess fan stuck in my hair. That’s why.
+ Stop looking at my gray hair. I KNOW.
+ Even though she destroyed my already gray/broken hair, she still makes my ovaries hurt from time to time.
Literally. If I am on my period and I have to babysit my cramps intensify from a 6 to a 14 because KIDS ARE CRAZY.
+ Shawn is also turning two today. He is excited about it.
+ I was at a concert Friday night which was really just a giant cowboy hat fest.
We sat behind a girl (close to my age) and her father (close to a father’s age) who grinded up on each other all night. He took pictures of her holding her boobies and also wiped part of the remaining jello shot she took off of her lips. Needless to say I didn’t see any of the concert. I am still baffled at what took place and no, I won’t get over it and yes, I am judging. I know that’s wrong of me but so is grinding with your father so there’s that. If you are the girl in this story and happen to be reading, I apologize but one piece of advice: stop having your father wipe pieces of your jello shot off your lips. It was cool when you were 2. Not 22.
+ I got a romper the other day. Rompers scare me because sometimes I feel like they want to eat your _____ from time to time. The word you are searching for starts with a v and ends with an ina. Thankfully this one is not hungry but rather insanely adorable and perfect in all of its romper ways. Excuse the orange, it’s California’s fault.
I also got this little number to match my beer. Deloom kills me with their clothing. Kills. Use code LIY for free shipping.