It has been a few months since I have spent much time focusing on my sponsorship options and what I wanted to offer on this blog. I’m not sure if you have noticed or not fellow bloggers and blogeees, but isn’t this whole sponsorship thing constantly changing? Two years ago when I started, “the thing to do” was sidebar ads. Then it went to guest posts. Holy guest posts. I swear I wrote about 53,372 of those in a few months time. After that, being apart of the massive giveaways seemed to be the hot ticket item. And now? Well, now I see blog sponsorship as a true partnership–I believe wholeheartedly in bloggers and shops teaming up to use their influence all over the world wide web together. I know without a doubt the success that can come from properly collaborating with those that you truly believe in and want to share with your readers. So that’s where I’m at. While I am still offering the sidebar ads and the monthly group giveaway, my focus is shifting. I want to spend more time working solely with the individual bloggers and shop owners that I adore. The ones who I read, the ones I shop from, the ones that I believe YOU need to know about. Because of this I have added two new options.
What are your thoughts on blog sponsorship and how it has evolved? I’d love to hear it and perhaps create some good conversation in the comment section below!