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This, That, And The Other

February 28, 2013


Erin Schrader

Here we are again–9 pm and a full cup of coffee in hand. 
I swear one of these days I’ll learn my lesson that I don’t enjoy staying up until 2 am but until then, cheers.
Do you ever have those times where you sit and stare at your screen and you think “I should probably write a sentence here..” and nothing comes to mind.

Yeah that. 

With that being said, I don’t have any pressing topics of discussion (I’m saving my how to obtain world peace post for tomorrow) so I’m just going to throw out a few items that you should probably know about tonight. Capiche?

1. Thanks for your input from yesterday’s post. You little outfiteers are so good to me. Outfiteer would be similar to a musketeer minus the muskrat part. So here’s the deal. I kept one flippin’ thing. One. One more and my husband would’ve thrown my head in the trash can. This would’ve been okay but we had leftover chicken in the trash and you all know what leftover chicken smells like right? The one item? The cardigan. 

Raven if you are reading, my deepest apologies. Just picture it without anything underneath. Now that’s dressing for men… (read link above on Raven’s name to get what in the world I am talking about). 

2. So last week Jenni and I participated in our first ever Blogging Q&A session and it was pretty dang fun if you ask me. Anytime you get a group of 10 like minded bloggers, you are bound to walk away feeling inspired. Topics of conversation? Balance, Blogging Insecurities, Growing your blog, Sponsorship, etc. 
We have our second one tonight (Thursday) and have one open spot if you’d like it–9 pm EST and $20. Email me at livinginyellow@gmail.com with subject Q&A and it’s all yours. 

You can read some recap posts of that session here, here, and here.

3. Speaking of that…it’s time to announce March’s Q&A session collaboration. I am so excited about this one..

If you haven’t met the mastermind behind Rags to Stitches, you must pay yourself a visit. Alissa is a WEALTH of information and I can’t wait to drink up her wisdom. This session is not going to disappoint.
Again…if you want in we have 8 spots and it’s $20 to participate. Email me at livinginyellow@gmail.com with the subject line Q&A and I will get you marked down. Strategizing with others who “get” this whole blogging thing is an investment worth making. 

4. I started whimpering tonight when I realized it had been weeks since last eating mac and cheese. 
Whimpering. Who does that? Apparently I do. No worries, I whipped up a dish and all whimpering subsided. That’s really all with this subject. 

5. Oh hey this is fun. Let’s have a blogger crush link-up party next Thursday. Basically you write a mushy gushy post sharing your favorite blogger/bloggers and why you love them so. This could be like the best day in blogging history ever. I can feel all of the hearts that will be floating around already and it’s glorious. 
Here’s a really lame button you can use if your heart desires. Either way just show up on Thursday ready to confess your love for another person you’ve never met. It’s normal, don’t worry about it. 

6. I think that’s all I got for now. Eight minutes. That’s how long I worked on this post. It’s a record people, I’m off to go celebrate by folding laundry. 
Today’s featured superstar is Shanna from Because Shanna Said So

If you have visited many blogs at all, I am sure you have landed yourself on Shanna. Well not on her per say, but her blog. Shanna is a momma to two (I don’t understand..note to self: please look as hot as she does when becoming a mom), a lover of Christ who occasionally spits out a cuss word or two, and a fashionista at heart. Seriously if you are needing help on how to dress–this is your girl. No but seriously, Shanna has her own styling business. How amazefest is that? 

Shanna also hosts a fun link-up every Wednesday called Random Wednesday. If you love Random as much as I do, you will for sure want to participate in this bad boy. Shanna is a genuinely great girl with an even better heart. She will keep you laughing, thinking, and wishing you had her closet. Enjoy 🙂

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