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Late Night Thoughts On Love & Respect

February 21, 2013


Erin Schrader

**this post was wrote Wednesday night around midnight..it should be mentioned that the first paragraph turned out to be a complete lie. I ended up making a breakfast casserole at 1:30 am after finishing this post..what can I say, I am a party animal**
I knew that previously mentioned coffee would keep me up into the wee hours of the night. 
To clarify, “wee hours” means 11:45 in these parts. Anything past 1:00 am would be considered asinine. I don’t do asinine. Anyhow, here I sit with a million and twenty thoughts roaming around in that head of mine so I thought maybe I should just get em’ out while they are fresh. Kinda like McDonalds fries minus the fresh part. And now I just want McDonalds french fries. 
So back to what is roaming around in that mind of mine. It’s this whole love, respect, opinions, supporting, tearing down, encouraging, judging, etc thing. I am pretty confident that the inspiration behind this post is stemming from this and this. Both of which are posts that were written by two people I totally respect and admire. They are on two totally unrelated topics (one “real life” lessons and one “blogging life” opinions) but both provoked thoughts in that head of mine today.
Here’s the thing. We as individuals are all different. We will never all do something the same way, believe the same things, express our emotions exactly how the person next to us expresses their emotions. We will make decisions that others wouldn’t, and we will say things that not everybody will always agree with.  We are different. And it’s the most beautiful thing. Can you imagine how mundane this life would it be if we ALL ran our relationships/blogs/houses/lives exactly alike?
How we would learn, grow, and evolve as people? 
With that being said, I feel like I am learning more and more about what a fine line there is between stating your opinion vs expressing your thoughts out of love and respect. It’s something that I want to be more aware of. I have freely offered up my opinions and advice many times..many times not from a place of love and understanding. This is true in both “real life” and “blogging life”. As an example, I once published a post about “what not to do” The title alone makes me cringe. I do not know all. Why should it genuinely matter to me how you run your blog? Isn’t it enough to admit the fact that hey–I don’t agree with anything that was just written in that post, but the way she put her heart, soul, time, and energy behind it is absolutely admirable?! Shouldn’t we as people be quick to point out what we love instead of what we don’t? 
Other thoughts come to my head. Religion..I believe in Jesus, you may not. Money…I like to splurge on myself  from time to time, you may think this is selfish. I choose not to swear, you may cuss like a sailor. Drinking..I love having an alcoholic drink most evenings, you may think this means I have a problem. Blogging..I choose to monetize mine, you may never have this desire. I laugh at things 4 year olds laugh at, you may think this is immature. Diet…I eat horribly, you may find this disgusting. 
We are so quick to criticize, think we know the “right way to do things”, bash others publicly for their decisions..but what if we were quick to learn why somebody does/think what they do and look at it as a possible learning opportunity? What if we didn’t complain about something that somebody else does that bothers us and instead point out something that you admire about them? What if we would ask each other to explain our differences to each other instead of closing off our minds because we already “know they are wrong?” What if we tried to meet people where they are at instead of telling them where they should be? 
I want to be more aware of this. Slow to speak, quick to listen. I want to encourage, not tear down. 
I just feel like there is SO much room for growth for me in this department and really for people as a whole.
I want to live with an attitude of love. 
We all need it, why not give it? 

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