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January 18, 2013


Erin Schrader

this is the most normal this post is going to get

What a depressing day. 
First I find out that the motto I live my life by “if it’s on the internet it’s true”, isn’t necessarily always true. 
I’m still holding out hope however in the 16 emails I received this week telling me that my late uncle’s cousin passed away in Arabia and left me 1.2 million dollars. That one obviously has to be true. 
I mean it happened 16 times. Anything that happens 16 times can’t be a lie. 
The other depressing tid-bit? Dear Abby died. This is sad because I had every intention in the world of collaborating with her soon on my Dear Erin series. RIP internet relationships and Dear Abby. 
You were good while you lasted. 

On the up side, I just overheard my husband on the phone reserving a hotel room and he says 
“Well I’m an AAA guy over here so..” which is funny in an “are we 80?!?!” kind of way. 
I mean is it normal for people in their mid-twenties to be members of AAA?
AA. Yes. But AAA? I’m not so sure. 
I shouldn’t act surprised. This is the same man who said the other Friday evening “ARE WE EVER GOING TO EAT TONIGHT?! IT’S ALREADY 5:40!” 
I may have wrote that one on the fridge so I could make sure to reference it in the future. 
You know, just in case I ever mistakenly think we are cool and act our age.

Well in other news—Subway has been lying to us too it turns out
11 inches what?
Apparently missing an inch ticks a lot of people off. 
If I don’t stop talking about this right this instant, it’s going to start going places I wasn’t intending. 

Hi dad.

Can you tell I didn’t have a topic chosen for this blog post yet? 
Before we know it I’ll have this whole baby done before I can even say “what am I even going to write about tonight?!?!?” Just keep typing Erin, just keep typing. 

You know what my problem is? I spent way too much time today brainstorming million dollar ideas instead of focusing on blog post topics. It’s not that I don’t want to have an 8-5 job, it’s just that I would rather be a millionaire. I did come up with a few. Whether they are legal or not is still up for debate. 
I’ll write you from jail to let you know. 

Welp, turns out this post isn’t going anywhere anytime soon so I suppose I’ll wrap her right on up. 
I think it means it’s dinner time when I write “wrap her right on up” and my mouth starts drooling because it reminds me of Chipotle. I don’t even know why it reminds me of Chipotle, that’s the weird thing. 

i put this picture in here just so you would want it too..you’re welcome

I could say Keith Urban right now though and it’d make me want to eat. 
Oh right. That one makes sense. 

Happy weekend love bugs. 

I heart you.
Eat me.
Be mine. 
(just some pre-Valentines Day conversation heart talk for you right there…) 

Now Valentines Day has me thinking about Chick-Fil-a.  
Food. I need food. 

Today’s featured sponsor is Brie from Sophistifunk (the blog and shop)

I don’t think it’s any surprise how much I love this little lady. Some of you may remember her from here
Others of you may not have a clue who she is (yet), and for you..I am sorry. Brie has held a huge piece of my blogging heart ever since I came across her blog. She’s pretty much a household name around these parts. Anyhow, Brie not only writes a blog that I 100% adore, she recently started making bracelets like it’s her job (oh wait) and is dominating the arm party biznass. 

these particular pretties found here

Some of my favorites include this, this, and these. She is one mighty piece of talent I tell you. 
Not only talented, but sweet as can be. And because of that, she is offering you all 20% off your entire order using the code LIY20. Try that one on for size. When’s the last time you threw your arm a good ole fashioned party? Think about it. Now start shoppin’. 


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