I know, I know.
Dear Erin has been so non-existent it’s not even funny.
In fact, you are probably thinking “Dear Erin…what the heck is she even talking about?”
I get it. I suck.
It will return. Sometime. Maybe 😉
Here is the deal—I have much more exciting things to talk about than answering life changing questions.
It’s called clothing, purses, and jewelry.
My husband and I were just talking last night about how this whole “no shopping” thing really hasn’t phased me much, and it’s true..it hasn’t.
Sure there have been a few times when I wished I could waltz right into Target and snatch up every cute thing in sight, but for the most part, I’ve been content.
Content. Me? Weird.
I’m working on it people. Turns out this whole contentment thing isn’t such a bad gig.
I say all of this and then come June 21st when I am free bird, I will probably go crazy buying everything in sight.
At least it was good while it lasted.
I think part of my contentment is because lately whenever I see something cute that I would normally purchase, I just tell somebody else to buy it.
It’s a win/win really.
I don’t have to spend the money, and I can benefit from knowing that somebody else is going to look slammin’ in that hot little number.
I like how I act like I use that word in my every day lingo.
So that is what I am doing today.
Sharing with you what I would buy. So that you can buy it instead. And then brag about how cool your closet is.
You are welcome.
Most of these items are from my best friends boutique because heck, that’s where I would choose to spend the majority of my money.
You may think I am getting paid to say all of this, but I am not. It’s just the cold hard truth.
Here is what I am lovin’ from her online store at the moment.
I die.
Thank you Miss Chic for blessing the lives of so many. You are so good to us.
Next up, these wedges from GoJane.
K, there you have it.
I am counting on all of you to make me extremely jealous by purchasing these items.
If you receive hate emails or tweets from me, I apologize in advance.
It’s just the jealousy speaking.
So much for contentment.
What is your favorite item from above?
Do tell.
It will be like girl talk at its finest. I love it.
Now we just need some wine and we’re all set.
That’s funny, my refrigerator just started calling my name…
Coming sangria, coming.