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The Thing About Blogging…

April 25, 2012


Erin Schrader

Back on February 1, 2011 when I sat down and wrote my first ever blog post, I had no idea what I was doing. Clearly. Look at how small my pictures were back then.
However, a lot of the time now, I still feel like I have no idea what I am doing.
I ask myself all of the time “Why?!” “Why do you blog Erin?”
And I have yet to come up with a solid answer.
I have no freakin’ idea why I blog.
But it feels good so I just keep comin’ back for more.
I suddenly feel like this is an infomercial for crack.
I think the mystery of “why” helps keep me interested. Motivated. And excited about all of this blogging business. Who knows if I will ever have a clear definition on why I blog. But to be honest about it, I kinda hope I don’t. There is something great and valuable about doing something just because you like it. No big, heavy, “I want to change the world or become a millionare from this” kind of reason.
Doing something just because.
I like just because.

The other thing about blogging is that my ideas for posts come in waves.
Some weeks the ideas flow like wine.
And some weeks {like now} I am clueless. As if there is not one single thing that I can find inspiration from. And up until now, I would fight it. I would think negative thoughts about myself and blogging. I would start to tell myself that if what I am posting is not either extremely hilarious or life enhancing, it has no value.
And to be honest with you, I’ve come to realize that those thoughts are a pile of crap.

Some of my favorite posts are the ones that have happened from me sitting down at the computer with not one idea of what I want to say. Where I just have to sit and see where my thoughts and fingers take me.

So that’s the thing about blogging.
Sometimes you know what you are gonna get, sometimes you don’t.
You just gotta enjoy the ride.

I say all of this to bring you to my post today.
As of recent, my ideas have been few and far between for blog posts. I used to lie awake at night writing down ideas as they came to me. This was great for blogging, not so great on my energy levels.
Thankfully, I have found that if I drink right before bed, I have no problem sleeping through the night.

With that being said, I thought it would be entertaing to just share with you things from my day today.
{you will now know why I have not been inspired…}
I was once asked to share a “day in my life” post–and well, consider this that.

–Woke up at 6:45//showered//got ready//ate peanut butter toast on the drive into work//arrived around 8 am

–Sat in a meeting next to a friend who was coughing up a storm. I lean over and ask “Do you want a mint?!?” She responds excitedly “YES!!” to which I have to say “Oh my gosh. I don’t even have one..I don’t know why I asked you that…sorry!!”

–Lunch at 11 with my favorite 3rd grader ever. Every Wednesday I go and hang out at a local elementary with a kid. I am considered his “mentor” however, he just throws dodgeballs at my head. Today I loaded this picture on Twitter of us together.

I told him what I did and he says “You put that on Twitter?!?” so I say non-chalently “Well of course…you are my favorite lunch date”. That kid sat and stared and smiled for what seemed like eternity. I am teary eyed as I write this. It was such a precious moment where I knew–he felt so valued and loved. Ahh. Moments like those are what make this life so great. Amen?

–Back to work where I continued to drink the same coffee that I brewed at 8 am. Cold coffee and I share a special bond. It also stains my teeth and makes my pee really yellow. Fascinating.

–Done at 5.

–Go sit in the lobby at the tanning bed for a solid 20 minutes surrounded by orange teenagers. The only thing that seemed to remedy the situation was to text my husband about my cravings for chicken fried rice.

–Leave the tanning bed. Braless and Sweaty. #ImtrashyandIknowit.

{picture from Instagram–Follow me–Livinginyellow}

–Sit down at my computer and here we are. Wine in hand. Dinner yet to be made. And bath to be had.

The end.

So tell me friends–what keeps you coming back time and time again to this whole blogging thing?
I’d love to hear it.


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