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So You Wanne Be Fit And Trim, Now Do Ya?

February 23, 2012


Erin Schrader

So a week or two ago, I was over writing at The Momma Bird.
For some strange reason I volunteered to write in her Health & Wellness series.
Anyhow–I got to thinking a little bit.
If I spent all this time whipping up that blog post, why not use it on my blog as well?
So that’s what I am doing today.
You may call it slacking off.
I call it being a genius.

I apologize if you read this over at Michelle’s blog originally.
But if you haven’t–today is your lucky day.
Or something like that.

By the way.
I really don’t feel like editing any of the below–so you are getting it just how it was presented on her blog.
Formal introductions and all.
Now, have at it 🙂
Hello you Momma Birds.

My name is Erin, or in this case Baby Bird.
Yes, that means I have no children.
I write over at Living In Yellow.
A blog dedicated to absolutely nothing which makes it pretty easy to write.
Anyhow–today I am here to share with you some of my “Health & Fitness” tips and tricks.
I’m not gonna lie-I feel a little hypocritical writing this post.
For crying out loud, my lunch just consisted of pizza and wine.
And it’s a Tuesday afternoon.
I’ll give it my best shot.
You see-I have to have somehealthy” things that I do,
because there are entirely way too many un-healthy things that I do.
And quite frankly, would rather do.
Say for instance–macaroni and cheese.
I dominate that stuff like it’s my job.
You think I’m kidding.
I think it’s an addiction.
So here is what works for me.
My hope is that 1..maybe 2 of these tid bits will work for you.
Here we go.
1. Warm Lemon Water.
I swear up and down by this stuff.
And I don’t even swear.
Its amazeballs.
In fact, I wrote an entire post about the benefits.
To save you the time–I’ll let you check it out on your own time.
What you need to know now is that it is an Au natural way to get all the toxins out of your system.
A fancier way to say this is that it will make you crap.
True story.
{Betcha anything my husband now hates me because I just said “crap” on live blog world.
 He can be so tactful sometimes}
2. Write It Down.
And I don’t mean what you are eating.
Or how much you exercised.
Although I do hear good things about doing both of the above.
I mean, write down how you FEEL after working out.
Document how impressed you are with those triceps you’ve suddenly developed.
And how amazed you are that those jeans actually look stellar all of a sudden.
And that butt that just showed up out of nowhere?!
Document it.
Whenever you are questioning whether you should workout or not–READ THIS STUFF.
It’s very hard to not hop on the treadmill after you are reminded of how good your calves looked last Summer.
3. Change Your Mindset
How many times have you told yourself
“I must run 30 minutes a day 7 days a week. No excuses”
Yeah me either.
But if I did, I would imagine it wouldn’t pan out so well.
Which is why I like to think differently about working out.
Back in 2010 my New Years Resolution was to run 700 miles for the year.
This meant that I could actually take days off.
I didn’t have to do x amount this day, this day, and that day.
As long as I was focused on logging the miles, I could workout whenever I wanted to.
Which happened to be in the mornings before work.
Don’t worry, I got over that crazy phase.
{Sleep is way more important clearly}
But you guys–it worked for me.
I kept my mind on the end goal.
So every day that I would run–I would simply write down how far I went.
And I kept a running total.
And it became fun.
I know, I can’t believe I said it either.
But it worked.
And I reached that 700 miles darn it.
4. Jillian Michaels.
Enough said.
You want your butt kicked?
Go to Jillian.
My husband would hate me even more if I mentioned he can’t even finish these videos.
So I won’t say it.
But seriously–she has a great variety of DVDs out.
All of which are challenging and will show you results.
Trust me.
If you aren’t sweating like a stuck hog by the end, you weren’t doing something right.
Your arms will get cut.
So will your hands but thats besides the point.
What I’m getting at is do fun things that don’t necessarily make feel like you are about to die.
Your right.
I look like I was about to die.
6. Limit Your Meat Intake
This is a new one for me since the first of the year, but I’m a fan.
It is amazing how limiting your meat makes you choose healthier options.
I almost forgot that vegetables and fruits are something people eat.
And now I can’t get enough.
And seriously–I have never felt more full in my life.
That may because I am eating the heck out of beans, but honestly.
It has made a big difference.
Just some food for thought 😉
Pun intended.
….And there you have it.
Six {simple}yet effective things that have worked for me.
Will you be trying any of them?
Do tell.
Until next time….
I am off to partake in one of the healthiest things known to mankind.
It has nuts.
AND a cherry on top.

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