But right now, I’m not feelin’ clever’.
I’m feeling more like I want to go cuddle up on the couch.
Smack dab next to my husband.
With a rum and diet in hand.
Which will lead to me falling into a massive sleeping drooling mess for the next 8 hours.
That is, as soon as I finish licking the rest of the mashed potatoes out of the bowl that are sitting on my kitchen counter.
Here’s a fact for you.
I woke up at 5:30 am to make mashed potatoes for tonight’s dinner.
Does anything scream “Wow. I’m officially an old married woman”
more than that?
I think not.
Amish women, I take pity on you.
Because I clearly have very important plans to tend to…I’m lettin’ somebody else write for me today.
You will love her so don’t worry about it.
Megan, take it away.
Hello Living in Yellow readers!!
I feel honored to be posting on Erin’s blog today!
Erin has been so so incredibly kind to me as I have been a total flake and slacker this month {sorry, Erin!!}.
She is a great example to me about being positive and finding the little things in life that make us happy.
Plus, I seriously almost pee my pants every time I read her blog.
That girl is HI.LAR.I.OUS!!!!
I have found myself wishing on more than one occasion that I could be as funny and witty as Erin.
But alas, I was not blessed with such a gift.
So I will just continue to joke vicariously through her! 🙂
{And here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson} and I love it!!
I have had my little bloggity-blog for a while but just recently started developing a real passion for it.
I like to talk about everything from my family, marriage, my chubby boy and my every day struggles that we can all relate to.
And I couldn’t imagine my life without him!
we found ourselves having to stay in our tiny apartment for who knows how much longer.
I was sick and tired of it and just ready to move on with our lives.
Of course, once we plan something and get our hearts set on it, the Lord humbles us and reminds us that He has a different idea of what we should be doing.
Even small changes can make big differences.
I started developing my talents and finding things that I am really passionate about.
I started making cheap decorations, adding color to the walls to brighten up the space.
I started cooking and baking more.
I found joy in caring for my little family [instead of feeling suffocated by them].
I painted my toenails.
I listened {and danced} to music.
I sang in the shower.
I opened the windows to let in the crisp, air and pulled out my candle collection.
I prayed.I worked.I tried.I grew.I learned.
Obviously burning a pumpkin spice candle doesn’t get rid of our financial burdens or make my son become more obedient. But that’s not what it is about.
My life is following the path the Lord set out for me.
I always love meeting new people!
Such a wonderful reminder wouldn’t ya say?
K seriously..I am off now.
Mashed potatoes, rum & diet, and husband–watch out.
I’m comin’ for ya.
Happy Weekend Party Animals.