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February 7, 2012


Erin Schrader

Hello there you Keep Calm & Carry On-ers.
I don’t think you know how excited I am to be here today.
Actually scratch that.
I would be a heck of a lot more excited to be in Florida with Katie.
But because I am stuck here in the cold, I guess this is the 2nd best place I could be.
My name is Erin and I blog over at Living In Yellow.
If you haven’t visited before, I suggest that you do.
I kinda love meeting you awesome people.
Katie is pretty much my blogging BFF.
She is my blogging best friend.
I love the girl.
Our relationship started with comments on each others blog.
Then it progressed to emails.
From there it got a little more serious and went to tweets.
And now we are official-we text on occasion.
And you know that means serious business if texting is involved.
Basically, what I am getting at–is I’ve been planning our big meet-up in my head for awhile.
Because it’s not a matter of “If” it happens.
It’s “when” it happens.
And this homegirl has gotta be prepared.
So today–I am showing you how I would envision our initial day of becoming real life besties.
For starters-we would have to ditch our husbands for the day.
You know, so they can do manly things and we can do girly things.
That was the easy part.
It’s the rest of the day that gets tricky.
Because for starters–you know Katie is going to drag my butt to the gym and make me sweat.
The girl gets the greatest excitement out of wearing running shoes.
I on the other hand prefer slippers.
After I would be nearing death, Katie would treat us to some fine dining.
Which means fruits, vegetables, and any other negative calorie thing we could get our hands on.
All the while, I would be wishing I could have my hands in piles of meat.
{Sorry Katie. I know you are cringing right now.
 And probably everybody else for that matter}
After we got battled it out over lunch-we would find our way to the mall.
And you all know Katie would say over and over again
 “Girl..you’ve gotta get that bow blouse”
because we all know she is head over heels for bow blouses.
And I would try to convince her that Snuggies are more my thing.
Especially belted Snuggies.
After all of this, we would finally decide it’s time for wine.
Hey, at least we agree on something right?
After a few glasses-I would convince Katie she needs to rap.
Preferably in a onesie.
This would all lead to a serious dance party.
From there, I make no promises as to what could happen.
So there you have it.
Other than the working out, eating, and shopping part–we would get along great.
PS. We wouldn’t be the only ones enjoying ourselves.
Because these two.
Well, they’d be busy be makin’ babies.
Just sayin’.
Now if any of you would like to come over and make friends with me so I can analyze how our initial meeting would go, I’m game.
Katie–Love ya.
Just next time, take me to Florida with you 🙂

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