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My Weekend In A Million Pictures Or Less. Or Maybe More?

September 6, 2011


Erin Schrader

I accidentally forgot to take myself off “Holiday” mode and remember real life was quickly approaching.
Does anybody else ever do that?
Please say yes, it will make me feel like 10 percent less of a slacker.

Or say no-in which case I will feel like a superstar for being the only person in the universe who does that.
Somewhere in the midst of frolicking in fields of wildflowers/
hand feeding my husband champagne & strawberries/
and participating in all other activities that proceed the above…
I forgot to write a post for today.

Except I didn’t actually do anything mentioned above.
Okay well maybe one thing.
It didn’t involve wildflowers or champagne though. Just sayin’.
Instead-my husband turned our house into a sweat shop and hired me to be his slave for the Labor Day weekend.
I think somewhere along the way he forgot to realize you are supposed to do something exciting like rest on Labor Day.

Regardless-this three day weekend was fabulous.
In honor of college football starting, we will do a “Play-by-Play” recap if you will.
I really need to stop being so athletic….

Friday Night-
A little thing I would like to call Pedicures and Wine with my bestie.

You want an instant stress reliever?
Do this.
Except paint your nails a little better than I:
It was probably one of the better Friday nights I’ve ever had.
Thank you bestie, nail polish, and wine.
You three know just how to do the trick 😉
I told you I love Notre Dame right?
Well I did.
Until they decided to suck.
Good thing the tailgates make up for their suckiness.
Aside from sweating like a stuck hog, eating waaaaaaaaaaay to much,
{three of these to be exact}
and getting poured on, it was a great time.
Oh and come next weekend, Notre Dame will be my best friend again..I just know it 🙂

Worked like the good little girl I am in that sweat shop I mentioned earlier-
meaning I punched about 2,000 little pieces of rubber out of these suckers.
After working my fingers to the bone-Things got real exciting.
Like boots & scarf exciting.
Woop Woop.
Except all my friends I later saw in the evening
 thought I was wearing spandex volleyball shorts with boots.
Thanks friends for your vote of confidence in my fashion ability.
Worked my fingers to the bone once again-
Visited a winery that is within minutes of our house

 {to take the edge off all the work I’d done of course}
and became a wizard at blowing bubbles.

You ever think about important things in life like  
“If I was in a pageant..what in the world would be my talent?”
Folks, I finally got that question answered.
Call me Bubble Queen from now on.

….And that was that.
So this was a really long post eh?
Sorry kitties.
I am off now to get all of the stuff done I should’ve completed this weekend but didn’t.
Who ever invented responsibilities anyways?

I hope your weekend was equally as swell.
..And didn’t involve punching out 2,000 rubber parts like mine did.

Talk to ya soon banana peels =)

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