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Writing On A Whim

August 15, 2011


Erin Schrader

Happy Monday kids 🙂
Today I have a very special guest-
her name is Whitney and I pretty much love her.
Okay your right, I do love her.
She is one of the many new friends I have made through this little thing called Blogging and I couldn’t be happier to have her here today.
Her writing is Beautiful.
And Transparant.
Are you ready?
Whitney-take it away friend.
Oh. My. Goodness.

I cannot even begin to express how excited I am to guest post for the lovely Miss Erin today! She is on my “Top 10 Favorites” blog list and is still the only blogger who can make me literally LAUGH OUT LOUD in front of my computer screen. By myself. Sometimes at work. (don’t tell anyone).
I don’t even feel embarrassed telling you this because I know you feel the same way!

Anyways, on to the introductions. Before I say anything else, let’s start with the basics:

– I work for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of America

– My dog Ellie (a Chihuahua) is my best friend
– My favorite smell is gasoline (weirdo alert)

– I am more than slightly obsessed with Disney
(definitely worked at Disney World…)
My favorite color is pink

– I am also ridiculously obsessed with Star Wars
Sometimes I sit and plan my wedding. Keep in mind I have no boyfriend, fiancé or plans to marry in the near future. A girl has gotta be prepared, right?

Haha so on to the real introduction – I’m Whitney and I’m a 20-something new professional (can I call myself a professional?) who once found a beautiful outlet in blogging.

You see, when I first started my little blog, it served as a channel for my feelings. I was going through the hardest time of my life: financially, spiritually, physically and emotionally. I felt such comfort sending my words into the abyss, letting them free from my heart and into the universe.
I thought, “Maybe someone out there knows how I feel.
Maybe someone understands.”
I have received such beautiful affirmation on this blog through those few who read it.
My readers are all so wonderful, kind and sweet.
I believe in being myself, warts and all, and that words are the most powerful tools we can ever possess. I’ve tried so hard to let all of my insecurities, flaws and fears hang loose. I want to become more self-aware. I want to let people know who I really am, enjoy this quest of self-discovery and most of all,
be true to ME.
Writing on a Whim” is about to take a new and beautiful direction. Through “weekly writing challenges,” I want to help my readers open up through blogging and find out who they really are. In-between we’ll be hosting giveaways (every 50 followers you get a prize!), hearing from some incredible people, sharing our stories and enjoying the quest of self-discovery.
..Told ya she is great.
Please go tell her that yourself now.
It will make her smile, and well, making other people smile pretty much rocks.
You can Click here to start Smile Fest 2011.
Yes, I just said Smile Fest 2011.
Chat with ya’ll tomorrow sweet thangs.

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