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Miscellaney Monday

June 6, 2011


Erin Schrader

Welcome Back Scallywags.
{You can thank my friend who happened to just call me that for that one}
I think its kinda cute so I’m stickin with it.
It’s Monday and we all know what that means…
Bachelorette baaaaabbbbyyyy.
Oh, and Miscellany Monday of course.
Ready for some major misco?
{I am guessing that is what miscellaneous is if you shortened it?}

1. So you may recall I’ve mentioned my want need for a new camera lately.
Hubs has put some laws in place on how I can obtain this little sucker.
1. Out beat him in our weight loss challenge we are kicking into high gear here soon.
Only downside about this is that this option takes work and I’m not so sure I’m diggin that  idea currently.
{Although I did send him away with a bag full of homemade chocolate chip cookies today as a sneaky little way to add a few pounds on him. And to think he thought I was being a sweet wife. Awww…you are so misled hunny bunches of oats}.
2. Save my own money.
Not happening.
Cute clothes keep getting in the way of that one.
And what I find to be the best and easiest option
3. Get 200 followers on this bad boy. I thought about being really lame and desperate and making a little button that looked like this:

But then I thought that might be really lame and desperate.
Thank God I didn’t take the time to make it 😉
2. Speaking of husband, he does this thing where every time he sees a police officer while driving he instantly turns his radio down to complete silence.
Your guess is as good as mine kiddos.
So today, I am driving and along comes a police offer. What do I do?
Crank that baby up so high..just to see if I could get pulled over for a noise ordinance.
Moral of the story: Opposites really do attract…and police officers clearly are afraid of me.
No noise ordiance on this mirror rattling rebel.

3. I’m in the mood to crash a graduation open house.
Please let me know if you’re interested as well.
We could get some mean chicken salad croissants and marble cake.
4. So last night I picked up a new hobby.
It is a little thing I like to call Geocaching.
Although we failed to find the prize,
I did get to experience my first pee in the woods {which I am just waiting for the poison ivy to show up at any time. That is going to be lovely},
realize my friend has a real career in imitating Huck Finn,
and witness a bird poop on another one of my dearly beloveds:

Good times, great memories.
Next time geocaching…I will find your hidden treasure.
If you don’t know what this is, look it up.
And then go do it.
You will not be disappointed….errr, unless you’re like us and have a big fail:
5. Am I shallow for putting on a full face of make-up and doing my hair to go lay out?
Are the consequences worth not being shallow?

6. Speaking of how pretty I am without make-up on, my face has decided to jump back to 7th grade all of a sudden.
 I’m overly annoyed and need your help.
Please leave me a comment telling me what face wash you use.
And I mean please…middle school is such a tough age to be stuck in.
Thank you.

7. I think I am going to have a kinda long and serious post coming up within the next couple of days.
Even weirder is I that I am a wee bit nervous about it.
Stick around for my seeeeecret.

8. Learned something new yesterday when baking cookies: Don’t allow brown sugar to be sprinkled all over your dog. Picking those clumps out of their fur is more challenging than one would think.

On that note, I’m outta here.
Thanks for reading lovely lou lou’s.

Have a fabulous Monday.

For more rando-randomness check out:
Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

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