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Weekend Realizations: My Friends Are Rockstars

April 3, 2011


Erin Schrader

In thinking about my past weekend, I’ve come to one realization:
My friends rock.
Plain & Simple.
Let me share with you why.
As I had mentioned Thursday, I was being tempted with the idea of running a 5k that was being held Friday evening. I let the temptation get the best of me and decided to sign up. So here we have it: me & several of my “I’m a baller and run 3.1 miles without even breathing hard” friends took off in the nice 40 degree/rain/ice flying in our face weather. Unfortunately, I learned that I do not fall under the same baller status they do.
Regardless, I finished..in 27 minutes, give or take a couple seconds.
Lets pretend that I don’t look like a dripping wet dog in all of these pictures, k?
Actually, lets do. It makes it a little more enjoyable
Me & a couple of the guys. T-Cup on the left there won out of all of us.
With gear like that, what do you expect?
The best supporters in the world. Hubs & Amy.
Meet Rockstar friend #1: Ashley. She won 1st place in our division.
Apparently the lightning bolt on the front of her shirt struck her during mid-race and made her feet fast as lightning.
After waking up 45 minutes late, feeling miserable from this cold I’ve had hanging around, and my bones aching from the night before, I meandered my way off to work where I hung out looking like this all morning:
The best part of the day was immediately after work-which consisted of a baby shower for my best friend growing up, Roseanne. She now lives in North Carolina and unfortunately we don’t get to see/talk much anymore. This is a total bummer because I totally love her.
You know those friends where you can go years without talking and then when you start again it feels like you never stopped? She is one of them. Here is us many years ago:
And us now…
Can I just mention now that she is half way thru her pregnancy and is wearing skinny jeans with heels?
Gosh, I hope I look that hot when I am preggo.
Oh and her rockstar-ism?
Her & her husband have been in People Magazine-Twice. Not once, but twice people.
Her husband, David, is a Marine and has served several times over seas.
I can not imagine dealing with what they have had to deal with.
I can’t wait for their little baby boy to arrive. Congrats you two baby makin lovers.
Saturday night, we headed over to our friends house to watch Butler dominate VCU…WAHOOOO.
Not that I’m excited about that or anything..
While there, I got to hangout with Rockstar friend #3: Amy.
Why a rockstar? She happens to own her own business-Miss Chic, a boutique.
Oh, and she loves animal crackers with frosting.
We’re not going to go into much detail about her at this point.
It might have to do with an upcoming post featuring Amy and her business. And possibly another giveaway that you won’t want to miss…
It was definitely confirmed this morning if it hadn’t been already:
I’m sick.
In the midst of my alka seltzer induced nap this morning, I somehow managed to get ready and wander off to our friends house, Matt & Beckys, for lunch.
Not just any lunch-homemade Pioneer Woman Lasagna with all the necessary sides.
Whoa baby, it was good.
Meet Rockstar friend #4: Becky.
We decided to forgo a picture of us today due to the lack of shower/make-up/cute clothes, so this is actually from a couple years back.
 Why a Rockstar?
Because she took the time to make us this…
In the midst of being super busy with these precious little pickles..
Another lesson learned: Once I have children, I hope I make the time to feed my child-less friends stellar meals.
So there we have it folks. Told ya my friends rock.
Thank you to all you wonderful people who made my weekend fabulous once again.
Love you all.

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