Just like clockwork, another Summer is quickly winding down, and my Facebook feed is starting to fill up with pictures of first day of school pictures. With the end of summer comes the start of another school year for kids around the country. And whether it’s their first year or their 12th, there are a few [okay actually probably a lot more than a few] things they’re going to need. We’re breaking down our top picks for backpacks, water bottles, and lunch boxes. We’re even throwing in some adult lunch boxes!
So whether they’re reaching for dinosaurs and sparkles or HydroFlasks and Fjallravens [yea, try to pronounce that, we’ll wait], we’ve got the top picks in each category. We even got the inside scoop from some back-to-schoolers in a few age ranges to make sure we had “the cool ones” covered!
Backpacks for Little Kids

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More little kid backpacks that are great for school:
Backpacks for Older Kids

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More big kid backpacks that are great for school:

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
More lunch boxes that are great for school:
Water Bottles

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More water bottles that are great for school: