At Living In Yellow, there’s no shortage of boob talk [strapless bras, boob sweat, breast checks, etc], but this is the first time we’re talking about them in this manner – breastfeeding. Lauren here, your resident LIY pregnant gal [at least for the next several weeks]. Now that I’m in my third and final trimester of pregnancy [due in July!], I’m getting serious about prepping not only for baby, but for what I’ll need as well!
My son was born about 2.5 years ago, which doesn’t seem like it was that long ago, but also feels like centuries ago at the same time. With him, I wasn’t prepared for how often I’d need to nurse while out and about or guests would be over. Or I should say, my wardrobe wasn’t prepared. And I definitely wasn’t prepared for what to wear for pumping in an office environment. Trying to pump in a non-nursing friendly dress? Not a good idea. Not a good idea at all.
This time around, I know that having my wardrobe prepared will give me one less thing to worry about after the baby comes, because we all know how little energy we’ll have to spend on it then! I’m prepping my closet with plenty of button downs, shoulder ties, and wrap styles in tops, dresses, and jammies [because you know that baby doesn’t stop eating at night!].
I’d suggest having a handful of the traditional nursing friendly camis on hand for around the house, but I personally didn’t feel comfortable wearing those outside of the house. For out and about, I had the most luck finding cute nursing friendly items from Nordstrom, Target, Old Navy, Loft, H&M and Abercrombie!
Take a look through the widgets below for plenty of options that will make it easy to breastfeed in any situation! Use the arrows on the left and right to go through the options!
Nursing Friendly Tops
Nursing Friendly Dresses and Rompers
Nursing Friendly Pajamas
For Your Pinning Pleasure