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Simple Ways to Giveback this Holiday Season

November 14, 2019


Hello LIY Tribe, Cassidy here, and I am here to tell you… the holiday season is among us! It is happening whether you are ready for it or not! It is nearly the middle of November and things will only get more chaotic and jolly from here! In this blog post I wanted to bring to you some unique, simple + meaningful ways to giveback this holiday season for everyone! What you will find below is an assortment of ways to giveback that have been organized into a few categories in order for you to incorporate them easily into your life! You may fall into more than one category, or you may want to explore a new [or all] categories and that is perfectly fine too! We are here to encourage you to just be mindful during such a busy season and would love to hear how you are giving back to your family and/or community!

    1. If You’re the ‘DIY’er:

      Do you love to craft and/or cook? At your next holiday get together, have guests and/or kids create holiday cards and drop them off at a local nursing home or vet center! Not feeling super creative? Cook up some of your favorite dishes or baked goods and deliver them to those in need!

    2. If You’re the Clean-Out Queen:

      Use this holiday season to clean out your drawers + closets! Bundle up old coats and outerwear, backpacks, basic supplies [toothpaste, feminine products, shampoo, etc], canned food and any other essentials you are willing to part with and either donate them to homeless shelters or keep them in your car and hand them out as needed!

    3. If You’re the Homebody:

      Often times when thinking about giving back, we think of strangers [which is a kind thing to do] but sometimes there are those closer to home that could use some help! Reach out to that friend who recently had a baby, a family member who recently moved or maybe started a new job, or reconnect with a friend from your past! Simply dedicate time to people in your life by offering to babysit, grabbing a coffee, writing a letter and so on! These simple gestures can mean so much during the holidays! As a reminder: While the holidays are often a time full of cheer, they also can be an incredibly lonely time for those who are struggling. Be sure to reach out to friends + family and check on those who may be struggling. Extra hugs to all around!
      And if needed, resources are listed below: 
      The Samaritans Line: (877) 870-4673 (HOPE)
      National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 (TALK)

    4. If You’re the Entrepreneur:

      If you can, shop local! This helps put money back into your local economy and supports the local artists! Take a trip to the nearest Main St. and see what the local entrepreneurs + shops have to offer [maybe even challenge yourself to get everyone a stocking stuffer from a local shop]!

    5. If You’re the Animal Lover:

      There are many ways to giveback to animals in need such as, donating your time to volunteer at your local shelter, opting to foster a pet(s) in need, or simply donating old pet beds/blankets/toys/crates! If you have a furry friend who is exceptionally good with people, call around your local nursing homes to see if/how you and your pup could make a visit for some pet therapy during the holiday season!

    6. If You’re the Online Shopper:

      It is no secret that online shopping creates a surplus of cardboard boxes–it has even coined it’s own term: The Amazon Effect. So what can you do to giveback to your community and the environment? Recycle your cardboard, but don’t forget to break it down before placing it in your recycling bin. At times, recycling can be confusing or even intimidating but all you have to do is refer back to basics! Cardboard, paper [magazines, newspaper, office paper + mail] aluminum, plastic [water bottles, laundry detergent bottles + milk jugs] are easily recyclable and nearly all recycling plants will accept them! Just be sure to never recycle plastic bags [grocery bags, stretch wrap, bread bags, chip bags, etc.] unless specified by your local recycling plant. Don’t forget, you can always take grocery bags back to the grocery store to be recycled! When in doubt call your local waste company or throw it out!

    7. If You’re the Techie:

      It is pretty easy to get sucked into technology now-a-days, but sometimes the best thing we can do is set the phone aside during family + friend time so we can offer our undivided attention!

    8. If You’re the Eco-Friendly Gal:

      [Or even if you’re not quite yet, but aspire to do more!]
      The holiday season is a great time to challenge yourself to pick up one or more eco-friendly habits!
      Here are some of our favorite eco-friendly items [they work as great gifts too!]:

And there you have it! Simple + unique ways to give back this holiday season! We challenge you to try one of these ideas and to continue to spread that holiday love all season long!

Did we miss anything? Leave a comment with ways you love to giveback!

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