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Official Office Reveal // Come On In!

June 13, 2017


blazer [40% off, true to size, wearing in small] // dress [true to size, wearing in XS] // heels [true to size]
It has officially been two months now since claiming an office space and today I thought it would be fun to formally introduce you to our home away from home and place for all things LIY! A question I receive every once in awhile is “why an office when you could work from home?!” which is a great question, however, if you are any bit as ADD as I am OR have a strong desire to leave your house on most days that end in Y, it seemed necessary once I decided to make the switch to blogging full-time. The thought of never having a place that I needed to be [or could be] kinda scared me and made me all antsy inside. With the addition of two new team members and an overflowing closet, it also made sense to have a space for both people and things to gather. I couldn’t be happier with the decision that I made to rent a space and it really has done wonders for establishing some type of schedule for myself as I navigate how to do this whole work for yourself thing [believe me, which isn’t always as glamorous and easy as it sounds].

The office is inside of an old historic building in our small town and is packed with lots of character which makes showing up for work not so dreadful. The best part is that there is both a cupcake AND cheesecake shop within the same building so yeah, it’s not a place to visit for losing weight. Our space is a perfect size for us to all be able to get comfortable while small enough to keep us all within talking [or singing] distance. When deciding what I wanted the office to look and feel like I decided that I wanted it the least amount of office-y and the most amount of home-y as possible. That meant lots of comfortable seating, light colors, an oil diffuser [obvs] and coffee, lots of coffee. When it came to furnishing the space I hit up Hayneedle, HomeGoods, Hobby Lobby, Target, Wayfair and a few local furniture stores as well. Basically, I hit up alllllll of the stores.
If you follow me on Instagram, you have probably already seen lots of bits and pieces of the office, but if you don’t, or you just want to see it in more detail, this post is for you! Come on in, LIY welcomes you….
 table, baskets, succulents – HomeGoods // sign, arrow, hello, light up marquee – Hobby Lobby
When you first walk in you are welcomed by the cutest mint TV console table [who said you can’t use a TV stand for an entry table!?] and punny marquee. Make a right and waaaa-la! You have now entered the “take off your shoes, slip into some slippers, make a cup of coffee and stay awhile” zone. We like this zone.
The coffee bar happens to be my favorite piece in the office as it’s a one of a kind treasure that my dad found in his antique shop. I love the industrial piping and then we simply added the shelves! This is most definitely the first stop of the morning and is frequented throughout the day as well.
mint Keurig [on sale] // treat yo’self light up sign // but first, coffee sign [on sale] // coffee mugs – Target // electric kettle [boils water for tea in like a minute, it’s awesome]
Now that your cup is full, join us at the table [warning – this is where the work and eating, lots of eating, happens]. When choosing a table I wanted something that Joanna Gaines would approve of so it only made sense to buy something from her Magnolia Home line [found at Value City Furniture]. To complete the set, I went with a little unconventional route for the chairs. When I saw these striped chairs I knew I had to have them. Not only are they super comfortable but they are super chic as well. To lighten things up and keep it a little more on the casual side, I went with these mint metal chairs on the end to add a pop of color. I couldn’t love more how they turned out together! Who knew that combining farmhouse, industrial and modern chic could all blend so well. Now we know 😉
rattan wall mirror [on sale] // floor lamp [use code HOME for 15%o off] // mint throw – HomeGoods // shag rug [in off white]
monogram coffee mugs – HomeGoods
I decided to add a TV in the office, not just to watch The Ellen Show every day at 4, but to also be able to use Apple TV and make our laptops one giant projector which has been awesome when working together on projects. The whole Ellen Show is an added bonus.
table –  HomeGoods
No office would be complete without an egg chair, so an egg chair it is! Hands down my favorite place to sit in the office! So comfortable does a great job in the aiding of writing blog posts.
white egg chair in corner – TJ Maxx
Because it would be a crime to not have a full-length mirror for all of those professionally shot mirror selfies [wink], I found this bad boy at a local furniture store and it’s a beaut! Not only does it provide a great place to take outfit pics, but also as the residential “do I have food in my teeth!?” spot after lunch! Multi-purpose, I like it.
top [true to size, wearing in small] // blazer [true to size, wearing in small] // pants [true to size]  heels [true to size]

Last but certainly not least, the couch area. I knew I wanted a pop over against this white wall and if there is one color that screams pop to me, it’s pink. I couldn’t believe I found this couch for less than $300, but I did and I snatched it up quicker than you can say “add to cart.” I gotta say, for under $300 [and the fact that we had it together in less than 3 minutes] it is pretty comfortable and gets the job done during those times when you really just want to sit and do nothing.

couch [under $300!] // sign
It also makes for great photo opps with the team 😉
We do have a small little room in the back of the office which doubles as the kitchen and closet. Unfortunately, I believe that area was a little bit of a disaster zone during these photos so at the moment I won’t be sharing that space with you but stay tuned, I most certainly will [mostly so you can see our incredibly organized snack drawer – it’s the stuff dreams are made of].
Now that you’ve been given the almost complete tour, it’s time to see your way out – we’ve got work to do [and by work I mean it’s time for another cup of coffee..] Until next time…peace out and come again!
pineapple rug [10% off]

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