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When You Realize Your Blog Sucks

June 16, 2016


this photo represents me walking away from my blog and personality / deep stuff right there
It happened yesterday afternoon. I was trying to remember when I had originally went part-time at my job and knew that I had surely blogged about this momentous event when it happened. I did what I always do in time of desperate need, googled “living in yellow part-time” and alas, this blog post popped up. I knew it was most likely going to be a good one [also read: weird and inappropriate] when I read the title “To those of you sleeping with me tonight” to which I proceeded to talk about how I smelled like fish that was fried over lard and how I was nervous that Shawn was going to expect me to vacuum with my new found free time. You know – the good stuff I used to write about. I sat there laughing out loud reading this girl’s blog thinking “who is this girl and why don’t I know her anymore?!”
Last evening I continued to spend hours reading blog posts from several years ago [how old does something from 2012 sound these days, geesh] and missed myself more than I ever have before. You guys, my blog was a goldmine of content to make fun of me, judge me [literally, I wrote a post on 10 reasons you should], be disgusted by me, laugh at me and do I dare even say – relate to me!? Now I remember why I loved blogging so much, it was that good ole F word, fun. This curated crap you see every day? The pretty pictures, the cute outfits, the shiny new products, yeah it’s great and all – but it’s got nothin’ on late night twitter calls, posts about cock, and how I still to this day can’t get my husband to tell me I’m beautiful.
Here’s the thing – it all started to go downhill around here when I realized that “oh hi! I work part-time now so that I can make this fun little hobby my job! This content has to be professional-ish now! My pictures need to make my teeth look white! Can I still refer to my readers as cute pickle bottoms? What line shouldn’t I cross?” Did you just fall asleep too? Yeah, me too.

So then I decided I’m going to start a 30 day challenge called #bringingmyblogback. Think bringing sexy back, just more exciting because we are talking about blogs. 30 days of absolutely no sponsored stuff. 30 days of whatever the heck I want, straight old school style. FREEDOM! Real life freedom! July is the month and it’s going to be a party around this place. Mostly because I turn 30 but also because I will be writing about cellulite, eating chocolate covered bananas [it’s seriously so awkward] and actual life happenings that could very well include pooping my pants at work. It happened, it was weird, we’ll get there.
If you want to participate, simply use the #bringingmyblogback hashtag when sharing your new blog posts on social media so we can all rally together and cheer each other on as we bring back what was one of the greatest wastes of time ever. MySpace on steroids, we’re doin’ it and we’re doin’ it big. I can’t wait to discover my quirky ramblings again and hopefully bring a smile to at least one of our faces.


Who’s ready to bring this blogging thing back? Insert picture here of my back.

dress [wearing a small for reference] // wedges
Nailed it.
ps. I get that these pictures have zero relevance to the content at hand, however I have about a million outfit shoots sitting on my computer that I need to upload so you’re going to have to deal with it. While my blog may suck, I believe that posts with zero pictures suck even more.
[photo cred goes to the always awesome tina herschberger photography, a slight step-up from my husband]

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