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The Mass Confusion Around My 42nd Stitch Fix – HELP!

December 14, 2015


Erin Schrader

And just like that my last fix of 2015 has arrived. Certainly it’s not just me freaking out about the fact that this year is basically over and 2016 is now weeks around the corner right? It really is amazing to me how fast time does fly as the years pass by – I guess those old people really did know what they were talking about all along 😉

With the arrival of this fix, I feel more confused than ever. Typically I have a pretty good idea of what I am keeping and what I am sending back after a solid 24 hours of having the items in my house and this month, not a freaking clue. What I think I should keep my husband thinks I should send back and what I think I should send back he thinks I should keep. Typical. It is in times like these that I place my Stitch Fix fate into all of your wonderful stylish hands. I believe I have until tomorrow to make my final decisions so vote fast, I need you badly. 

Before we begin – here are a few words about Stitch Fix and how it all works for you virgins out there [it’s okay, I won’t tell anybody]. 

1. You start by filling out your style profile – you will complete all sorts of questions on sizing, pricing, preferences, colors, etc. You can also write notes about likes/dislikes. Make sure to link your fashion board on Pinterest so your stylist can see what you like! 
2. Order your first fix! Your card will be charged a $20 styling fee however, if you keep any item [one or more] you will be credited back the $20. Because of this I always recommend keeping at least one item or you are essentially giving away $20 for nothing in return. You will receive 5 items [made up of clothing, jewelry, and handbags]. I personally only want clothing in my fix so I just always let my stylist know! 
3. Decide what you want and what you want to send back [in a postage paid envelope]! You have 3 business days to do so – use this time to try everything on, see what you have in your closet that pairs well with it and don’t be afraid to say yes to something that you wouldn’t normally. That’s what makes Stitch Fix so fun! 
It should be noted that while I have chosen to receive monthly fixes, this is in no way a subscription service and you are able to decide when you want another fix, whether that be in 6 months or 2 years from your first fix! As always, if you ever have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments section below. 
Here we go! Remember – If you see anything that you like below, feel free to pin away and/or ask your stylist in the notes section of your next fix for something similar! I am the queen of copying other fixes! 
1. 41Hawthorn Gideon Polka Dot Sweater – Small – $68

So this sweater was my husbands favorite. And if it weren’t for the incredibly bright blue in these pants [pretty sure the camera did that] I would like it better. It is so comfortable and would be perfect for work with bright [or heck, blue] pants. A little polka dot action never hurt anybody.

2. Skies are Blue Kendruh Layered Hem Knit Top – Small – $48

If there is one thing that my fixes and stylist have taught me it is that jewel tones are my best tones. While I love this purple color passionately, I’m not sure I love the cut of this top passionately. Anything that shoes my vag [well covered vag] I’m not usually drawn to because of things like camel toe and other fun mishaps. I wanted to love this one but I’m just not quite there yet.

3. Liverpool – Anita Skinny Pant – 2 – $78

Ahhh…the perfectly fitting, perfectly stretchy, comfortable and cute burgundy leggings. I love them, but will I wear them? Why is life so confusing?

4. 41Hawthorn Shara Herringbone Vest – Small – $68

This was my sure fire item when I pulled it out of the box because hello, it’s a vest. But now that I have worn it I’m like “is it a cute vest?!” I think it is, but how can I be so sure of myself? Am I just questioning everything because of the extra 10 pounds I’ve put on thanks to mashed potatoes? Probably.

5. RD Style Angus Split Back Mixed Material Sweater – Small – $68

Okay so this one I actually believe I have to keep because I accidentally ripped all of the tags off of it when putting it on for photos. We call those happy accidents in my head. I’m kinda digging black these days and the open back with buttons doesn’t hurt. Throw in some nice elbow patches and BAM. We’ve got ourselves a black sweater that is going directly in the closet. 

So there we have it – my very confusing fix number 42. It could be the PMS that is inducing the inability to make a decision – certainly periods do that right? Whatever it is, help me out of it. Choose your favorite below and I’ll send you the bill after I checkout 😉 

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