As I was sweeping and mopping the floors this morning it hit me – this is what sexy is all about. And then I started thinking about my mom and how she is the root of what I know to be sexy in my life [these sweeping sessions are deep I tell you]. Sexy isn’t what media shoves down our throat – barely there clothing, fake eye lashes and tiny little bodies’s real woman doing real things. It’s not just about our bodies, it’s about our brains. It’s not about how much we have, it’s about how hard we worked to get it. It’s about strength, generosity and so much more than the latest filtered selfie.
As my mom turns 60 tomorrow I wanted to reflect on this great woman and how she taught me to be the sexiest woman that I can be…all by doing the things I watched [and continue to watch] her do. So here we have it, sexiness according to the life of a 60 year old.
1. You want it – you work for it. Laziness is not sexy my friends, hard work is. Because she learned from an early age that nothing comes for free [a realization that our generation is struggling with big time] she worked hard to provide a life for her family that she would be proud of. My mom didn’t just teach for 35 years, she was also the high school athletic director when us girls were young, coached many of our sports teams, kept her yard one of the best on the block by mowing and pulling all of the weeds herself, and the list goes on and on. Since being retired for 5 years I asked the other day if she has taken a nap yet – she hasn’t. Don’t count on handouts, be the cause of your success.
2. A clean house is a happy house. Growing up our house was pretty much always spotless, everything had its place, our windows were washed several times a week [the woman is a window Nazi] and we never had to feel like we were living in chaos thanks to her. Because of this, I have grown to admire and appreciate the hard work that it takes to keep a house clean. It keeps me sane – it keeps my husband sane. Get those mops out ladies, you’re men will take note 😉
3. Sweat, don’t glisten. For the past 29 years of my life, I can’t remember a day that my mom didn’t get at least a 30 minute workout in which is both awesome and insane. Every morning she would be dripping sweat from a hard workout, even when we were on vacation. Watching her dedication to her health has inspired me to try to be fit and strong. Unfortunately she succeeds way more at this than I, however I am so grateful she taught me to not just strive to be skinny but to be strong.
4. Be financially smart. I love when women don’t just leave it to their significant other to take care of the checking account. My mom has always had a strong sense of their financials, set goals to become debt free [something my parents became at age 28, what?!], helps make investment decisions and so on. Watching this growing up made me keenly aware of how important it is to have a handle on your money and how to save [and spend it] wisely. A financially responsible woman – super sexy.
5. Love beyond yourself. My mom has never skipped a beat when it comes to being there for her family and friends. Constantly she is giving of herself to those of us who demand her time, energy, focus, etc. I witnessed this growing up, continue to notice it as we get older with both us and her little grandchildren and now with her own parents as they age. When you have somebody in your life who would drop everything for you in an instant, you know you are lucky. Be that person for somebody else.
6. Open up your world by going out and seeing the world. My mom is the queen of traveling and I couldn’t be more fortunate that she has instilled a love of adventure in myself. There is nothing better than experiencing new sights, new sounds, new experiences, meeting new people, eating different food, etc. A well traveled woman is something to be admired – don’t stay in your own little box, get out and experience life.
7. Have fun but keep it classy. My parents are fun – like really fun. I always say they are way cooler than Shawn and I are and have way more social plans than we could ever dream of having. My mom knows how to have a good time but she also knows how to keep things in control. A glass of wine every day? Absolutely. A bottle of wine hourly? No thanks. In the words of my father – “everything in moderation”. I am grateful for this lesson as it’s allowed me to remember every night of fun I’ve ever had.
8. Quitting is easy, choose the hard. My mom taught high school for a long [long] time and it wasn’t always easy or fun – however, she kept at it because it was a commitment that she had made. I have never watched my mom quit something [other than her diet coke addiction]. While there is something to be said about changing your situation there is also something to be said about sticking something out.
9. Respect your elders [and your youngers]. My parents didn’t just love us as children, they respected and trusted us. Because my sister and I felt that respect and trust, we wanted to respect them right back. Respecting and obeying your elders [whether it be parents, bosses, etc] is a very attractive quality in a human and something we should always be mindful of. Thank you mom for showing me exactly what it means to respect those in her life, both younger and older. This is one of the greatest things you have ever taught.
10. Value your voice and use it wisely. In other words, don’t be a pansy who sits on the sidelines and allows others to belittle you or walk all over you. If you have an opinion, speak it with love. If you don’t agree with somebody, explain why with grace. We were given a brain, ears, eyes, and a mouth for a reason – use them but use them wisely. Stand your ground while allowing others to stand theirs.
11. When all else fails, dye your hair – get your nails done – throw on some great fitting jeans and dive head first into some much needed retail therapy.
Happy birthday mom – thank you for being the epitome of sexy and for teaching Chelsea and I how to be strong and happy women. You are the most incredible mother and our family couldn’t be luckier to have you leading us alongside dad. Love you so much – sixty has never looked better. Now go get a little crazy and celebrate all that you are, you deserve it.