My natural instinct these days is to only blog when I have to have a blog post up. This means that it has either been a solid 5 days since I have posted or I have a sponsored post that has a deadline tied to it. Awesome. Tonight I wasn’t planning on writing anything because hooooray no deadlines to meet. And then it dawned on me that WTF. I always used to blog on the daily. It didn’t matter if I had something profound to say [ha – never] or had nothing really to say at all [always]. I just showed up and let my fingers do the rest. And I kinda miss that because guess what, blogging just for the sake of blogging is pretty dang fun. So that’s what I’m doing tonight…just showing up and seeing where it goes. But first, key lime pie.
Speaking of key lime pie, I can’t stop.
First it was strawberry shortcake and now this. I keep wondering why my legs look more and more lumpy when I look down at them and then I’m all frick. Key lime pie. But because I can’t stop I don’t. So lump on legs, it’s worth it.
Speaking of it’s worth it, the song – baby I’m worth it…hooked. Tonight as I was parading around the house in white jeans, white tank, heels, and a glass of red wine [hint: never a good combination] I cranked up the jams on this sucker and got down with my bad self. I can’t remember if it was the slight spilling of the wine or my husband’s constant “why are you wearing that??!” that made me stop but regardless it was a good few minutes in time.
Speaking of time, I turn 29 next week. Holy frick balls. Mama’s getting old.
Oh hey speaking of mama. I’m not pregnant and am not planning on being pregnant anytime in the near future Lord willing. Just thought I would make that clear.
“Why doesn’t she want to be pregnant?!?” you might be asking yourself right now. I’ll tell you why. The Bachelorette. I spent 8 hours straight getting caught up on the last four episodes Monday night. You think I could do that shaz with kids around? Exactly. The Bachelorette ruins everything good that could be in my life. Except not really because I got to eat key lime pie while watching it.
Oh and also, Shawn’s voice on the bachelorette. The things it does to me [hint: it resembles the rain emoji]. That was probably awkward however my husbands name is Shawn so I feel like that justifies the situation. Or something. Continue on.
Speaking of awkward – I am way overdue for an awkward and awesome post. Only because my niece pooped her pants at my grandpas wedding and I’m pretty sure that could fall under either category.
Ummmm also, I joined the
FitBit club this week. My favorite part of the whole deal is that it vibrates when you reach 10,000 steps. Homegirl will do anything to get some vibrations in her life. BECAUSE OF THE STEPS PEOPLE, DUH. I like stepping. It means one thing – more key lime pie.
I should probably stop typing now. It turns out trusting your fingers is a scary thing to do…oops. Love you mom and dad.
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