First things first, next time I think I am cool and/or young enough to go to a club on a Monday night for a concert, remind me that I’m not. You know what late Monday nights bring? Tuesdays that are full of fried cravings, several cups of coffee, and eyes that don’t stay open. You know that little emoticon with Z’s popping out of it’s head? Last night I was the salsa dancer and today I’m that guy. In other news, this past weekend was gorgeous so that kinda makes up for my lack of motivation today. Indiana decided to charm us all with pure sunshine and 70 degree temperatures. The term “this weather is perfect” is spoken approximately 6 times in a 365 day time period, so now that we are down 2 we have 4 left.
Sorry, my head hurts – that was a lot of math.
Back to what I was saying though — it was a good weekend around these parts. Friday night we went out with some friends to a little hole in the wall joint on a lake and then introduced them to the roast of Justin Bieber afterwards so obviously, laughter was plentiful. Please watch that if you haven’t.
Saturday was a fun filled day that started bright and early siding a house for Habitat for Humanity. I’m not one to really get down with a hammer and nails but without sounding too arrogant, I did pretty darn well. I know this only because I only had to correct 19 of the 20 pieces of siding I hung. That’s right. One was done absolutely perfect. WHAT NOW.
From there I made my way back home where it was straight to our friends child’s first birthday party.
It’s so fun to see your friends who you have grown up with go from people who you used to do ridiculous things with to real adults who know how to raise a human. It still blows my mind such a thing is possible.
And that concludes my little weekend recap of sorts.
Our house is starting to get painted on the outside this week so stay tuned for all sorts of fun updates there. Peace out pumpkins.