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Reaching My “Me Time” Breaking Point

February 27, 2015


Erin Schrader

I’m sure you’ve reached the point I am talking about. The point where feel like you just physically or mentally can’t anymore. When almost every little thing that happens is one inch away from sending you into a full out toddler tantrum. I’ve kinda reached that point this week. The thing is, there hasn’t been one single “bad” thing that has happened – for me it all boils down to the lack of “me time” I have gotten in. And while I know that sounds totally selfish, it’s how my whole being operates. You see, we haven’t been living at our house the past two weeks due to the bathroom remodel going on. Instead we have been staying with my parents who are the most amazing parents in the world and while I am so grateful to be able to be in their space for a few weeks, I miss home. I miss sleeping in my bed. I miss waking up and wandering out to the couch to drink my coffee. I miss coming home from work and unwinding with a glass of wine while sitting in peace and quiet. 

While most would probably label me as an extrovert, I am an introvert to my core. I thrive off of alone time. When given the choice of doing something with others or by myself, my natural instinct would be to choose by myself. Because of this, when I go for a long period of time of constantly being around others, I start to break. Call me crazy, but it’s true. I get overwhelmed, anxious, and often emotional. 

Thankfully, I have realized over the years that “me time” can be found in the little moments. You don’t have to escape to a tropical island solo for a week (but I mean seriously, how amazing), you can dive into a Skinny Cow chocolate truffle bar (obsessed), park your car somewhere in the sun, and delight in all of the goodness around you for 3 minutes.

Even while at work I have found that it helps to take a ten minute break, crack open a Skinny Cow Creamy Iced Coffee, and allow yourself just to breathe and relax for a little bit.

While those are great options, my favorite has to be curled up on the couch watching some type of junk on TV while indulging in a Skinny Cow ice cream bar with no agenda but to make my way to the stick in the center and then preferably do it all over again.

How do you enjoy your “me time”?
Thank you to Skinny Cow for sponsoring this post – while I have been compensated for this content all opinions are 100% my own. 

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