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10 Ways To Overcome The February Funk

February 25, 2015


Erin Schrader

It seems as though almost every person I have talked to over the past two weeks has been in a funk of some sort and unfortunately, it hasn’t been the uptown style of funk we’ve heard so much about recently. I blame it all on the month of February, especially when living in Indiana. It’s freezing, the skies are literally 50 shades of grey, Winter no longer holds the same charm it brought with it in November, and we are all aching for some warmer temperatures and sunshine. While it’s easy to blame it on the season, it’s not always easy to overcome it.

Personally, it feels like I have been stuck somewhere between frustrated, unmotivated, unhappy, and all of that other junk recently. Between adjusting to a new job, having our house in shambles, freezing my head off, and the unavailability of time to watch the past three episodes of The Bachelor, I’ve been a little discontent so to speak. 
I wanted to share 10 different ways that have helped me bust out of the February Funk that I have been stuck in for the past 25 days. 
1. Spice Up Your Love Life. Without getting too personal, I often think some personal touch and love can go a looooong way (extra o’s while on the subject of love making is never a bad thing 😉 ). Spend some extra time in a bubble filled bath together, give massages while in bed, just love all over each other in whatever way you know best, or heck better yet – in a way you have never experienced. The endorphin’s that are released from this activity are some of the best mood busters you’ll come across. You’re welcome. 
[side note: if you are in your teens and reading this blog please disregard item number one. keep your hands to yourself and your dignity in tact ladies ;)]
2. Get Moving. While the above item also burns calories and can create some stellar ab muscles, I’m talking about getting a good solo sweat session in by working out. Working out will not just make you feel fabulous physically, but it will also leave you with a sense of accomplishment. When we achieve something that we set out to do, we are served a nice slice of fulfillment and gratitude which we should all experience from time to time. Plus, whether we want to admit it or not swimsuit season is right around the corner and who doesn’t want to feel a little more confident when wearing next to nothing? Hand is raised.

3. Challenge Yourself. Teach yourself a new hobby (crocheting anyone?), volunteer to take on added responsibilities at work, say the alphabet backwards, learn how to use Google Drive, just do something that is going to exert a little more brain power than what you are used to. It is in learning new things that we become more well-rounded human beings that have something to offer to other people. The most interesting people are those who have experienced and continue to experience new things. Never stop learning, those around you will thank you. 
4. Step Away From Social Media. It is a vicious cycle that much of the population, myself included, has fallen victim to. We log in, we compare the best of somebody’s life to the worst of ours, and then we do it all over again. All day every day. We scroll and we scroll while our minds become more and more numb to everything else around us. Instead of spending much of your day gaining absolutely nothing from getting in everybody else’s business on a very surface level, spend time with somebody who you want to share more than 140 characters with. 
5. Dance. I don’t care if you have moves like Jagger or moves like your 59 year old father, shake what your mamma gave ya with everything you’ve got. It is impossible to not feel happy after droppin’ it like its hot. 
6. Love Somebody More Than Yourself – Listen Rather Than Being Heard.  The easiest thing to do when feeling like you are in a funk, is to remind yourself over and over of how much of a funk you are in. The truth is however, somebody out there needs your love and support a heck of a lot more than you need to throw yourself that pity party. When you allow others to open up to you, you soon realize that you aren’t the only one who isn’t living in the land of glitter and rainbows. The best therapy is often opening your ears and shutting your mouth. Especially while done over multiple glasses of wine….
7. Spend Time In The Kitchen. Cooking is therapy to my soul. Whether it be chopping up vegetables, mixing the cookie dough, or measuring out twelve different seasonings, it is all a time for my mind to be free. I become so focused on what I am doing that I zone out from the rest of reality. Creating something with my hands and then enjoying it as a meal with others over great conversation and cocktails is such a rewarding task and one that should be done often.

8. Glam It Up. We all deserve to feel sexy. When in a funk the easy thing to do is throw on sweatpants, get away with another day of no makeup, and curl up under the covers. Instead why not throw on a dress, those cute little heels you’ve been meaning to wear, and spend an extra hour on your make-up and nails just because? It feels good to look good. Allow yourself to flaunt your sexy. 
I recently received my first Square Hue Nail Polish box and glammed it up with my nieces for an evening (they LOVE getting their nails painted). Square Hue is such a fun way to receive 3 always fresh, limited edition, trendsetting nail polish colors that are curated to meet the season’s fashion needs on a monthly basis. It’s a no hassle commitment as you can stay as long as you like or leave if you are ever nail polished out (impossible!) As an added bonus they donate a portion of their proceeds to organizations that are helping others.

It’s a low monthly cost and if you want to try it out you can use the code 2015SH50 for 50% off your first box! Check it out here! 
9. Change Your Scenery. It’s easy to get in a rut when you become comfortable in your environment. We become less productive, less inspired, less motivated, and so on. Work at a coffee shop for the afternoon, try a new place to workout (local ladies – I have recently become obsessed with LOL Health and Fitness in Goshen, try it out), volunteer your time somewhere you’ve always thought about, just put yourself somewhere you’ve never been before. Your world will suddenly become so much larger. 
10. Plan For The Future By Acting Now. February is often a slow month for many. Take advantage of the lull by doing the things that you won’t have time to do in three months from now. Organize those closets, answer those emails, wipe down your baseboards, create goals for the next 3, 6, and 9 months. You will look back in 3 months from now and pat yourself on the back for being such a rock star now. 
11. (BONUS) Stay in bed for the next three days, pour yourself a huge ole glass of wine, and do absolutely nothing else — we’re almost to March…you’ve made it! 
Are you stuck in the February Funk right now? If so, what helps you snap out of it? 

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