Eyes are a big deal to me — it’s what you look at each other with, it’s how you communicate with one another, it’s how you show somebody what you are truly thinking, and above all else — it’s the one thing on your face that can go from dead to alive in a matter of a few mascara swipes. While I was in Florida with my lady loves it was brought to my attention that none of them knew what
3D Fiber Lash Mascara was. Knowing that these women who I consider to be wise and frequent consumers of the latest make-up trends hadn’t a clue about it, I started to wonder if you all were in the dark too. The dark is a very scary space to be so today I want you to pull you out of there. You’re welcome.
Here’s the progression from regular mascara to my fiber lash mascara.
As you can see the fiber lashes both thicken and elongate my normal mascara laden lashes. Similar to a bra it provides the extra “oomph” your lashes sometimes need. If you need a view from the backside of how it thickens, take a look 😉
the left side has the fiber mascara while the right side does not
And that completes my lesson on how to get the best eyelashes you have ever had. The moral of the story is this: buy
Younique 3D Fiber Lashes, use them in front of all your friends, delight in all of the initial shock that they will have, and then buy them each a tube for Christmas. If you are going to look beautiful 24/7, they should too.
Now if only I could remember to put on lip gloss every day…..
Speaking of lip gloss — if you go and “like” my dealer’s [sounds legit]
Facebook page, you will be entered into a drawing to win your own lip gloss.
Cheers to having the best looking set of eyes on the planet. Go flaunt em’ ladies.