it took me 28 years and I finally got the wine glass to mouth motion down 😉
It’s official–the big 28 is upon me. You know, I am not sure if I have ever had expectations of what I would be doing, what I would be like, and so on when I was younger of the year that is to come. I am assuming if I would have had expectations they would have gone something like: I will not laugh at people when they fall, I won’t say your mom jokes in response to serious questions, and I will certainly not desire mac and cheese for 20 out of 21 meals per week. However, because I never planned to not do all of the above, here I am. Laughing, saying immature things, and eating like it’s my job. The lesson here is screw expectations, you are much better off without them.
Being that I am a turning a year older and am a maniac when it comes to making lists and resolutions [that I never follow through on] I figured what the heck, lets do another list. If there is one thing I have learned in my old age, it is that if you don’t plan for your life to be awesome, it will suck. And because I am not a fan of sucking [well, you know] I present to you [or really myself…] twelve different things I want to do in my 28th year of life to keep it suck free.
July: Master the art of making the best Moscow Mule on this planet. And then serve them to friends in copper mugs. Preferably
these copper mugs. <— last attempt for a birthday gift from my husband. While on the topic of birthday gifts, perhaps add something additional monogrammed from
Alison + Ivy. It only took me 28 years to get something monogrammed and now that I have something, I feel like I need everything.
August: Create an office for my myself with a teal/aqua ceiling
September: Quit blogging and all things social media cold turkey for one week. Learn how to read a book, write with a pen and paper, photograph things with a real camera, spend time in the kitchen, listen to music, enjoy time with friends and family, and do it all while not sharing it with anybody virtually.
October: Host an emoticon party. Everybody dresses up as their favorite emoticon, I dress up as the salsa dancer. Dreams will come true this night.
November: Eat at RPM steak in Chicago
December: Have a picnic in the snow with my nieces-the main course being hot chocolate and cookies.
January: Sleep in a homemade living room fort for at least one week out of the month complete with white twinkly lights and real wood burning fires.
February: Organize a progressive Valentines dinner with friends. One course here, another course there, drinks and more drinks everywhere.
March: Go to Turks and Caicos. This can actually take place at any time during the year however, March seems like a good time to get away. But then again so does always.
April: Buy
a sweet bicycle with a bottle opener, cup holder, and front basket. Ride that thing like a mother.
May: Go to a casino and play black jack with real men while drinking whiskey on the rocks. Try not to puke or lose thousands of dollars in the process.
June: Learn how to line dance at a country bar. That or do The Wobble in a country bar. Basically just go to a country bar and dance, enough with being picky.
And if all of the above doesn’t pan out, drinking a cold beer and laying on a couch sounds pretty good too.
Bring it on 28, I’m ready for you.