I interrupt my regularly scheduled “do nothing on Sunday night” time to write this blog post. It feels like it’s been awhile since I’ve been in this space and I must say, it feels better than I expected to be back. I think it has been a matter of life being busy and Summertime and everything else awesome that has had me not wanting to be here as often as I sometimes in [ie: middle of winter when there is absolutely nothing by all stretches of the imagination to do besides sit on the computer]. Regardless, here I am. We all may now throw confetti. Which by the way, I totally tried doing with sprinkles last night at a restaurant and I don’t think the waiter was overly impressed. YOLO bro, vacuums exist for a reason.
In other news, my dog got shaved this weekend and I truly think it is one of the funniest things I have ever seen.
Parents of children with bad haircuts, I now join you and I hope to never leave you. Why? Because nothing is funnier than a child with a bad haircut.
I rest my case.
Moving on, the Nelly and Florida Georgia Line concert was as great as it sounds minus all of the people pushing, beer spilling, and other lovely concert extras that you get for free with the purchase of your ticket. Remind me to never stop singing Grillz for as long as I shall live.
Saturday evening I did throw Shawn a surprise party without the surprise. It looked a little somethin’ like this [which really is not a good glimpse at all because my camera died after 3 pictures meaning we missed out on taking 20 other people’s photos, oops #choosethecuteonesfirst]..
And in the final weekend news, here is what this blog post just interrupted. My favorite thing, a whole lot of nothing.
From one shaved dog to another, peace out.