During the past three days I have come across a few things that I have dubbed “blog worthy” so like any good blogger would do, I shall now share them with you.
+ Bacon cheeseburgers, while a wee bit unhealthy, are the best thing to eat after a full day of shopping. Or after a full day of doing nothing. It really doesn’t matter the timing at all now that I think about it. Just bacon cheeseburgers, forever and always, amen.
+ The “Songs to Sing in the Shower” playlist on Spotify is as good as it sounds. We’re talking Ace of Base, Spice Girls, AND Outkast. I know, I peed my pants a little bit too.
+ This rug from Ikea is the most non-negotiable item I’ve bought in a few weeks.
+ Husbands don’t argue you with you when you actually adhere to the spending limit they put you on when going away for the weekend with your mom and sister. I mean if I would have known this, I would have done it yeeeaaaaaaaaaaars ago 😉
+ Squirting Grapefruit oil into your water is pleasantly delicious. Even if you hate grapefruit as much as I do.
+ Shopping for hats to attend the Kentucky Derby in is as thrilling and intimidating as you may think it would be. BECAUSE WHAT IF SCOTT DISICK OR JESSICA SIMPSON IS THERE?! These are the thoughts that haunt excite me at night.
+ I wear that necklace up above every single day now. I can’t help it. For a [much] closer look, here you go.
+ Bonfires, while fabulous, are a little bit scary when winds are over 400 mph. Unless you like ashes in your face, in which case bonfires are strictly fabulous.
+ A rum and diet without diet is really just rum.
+ Sunday evenings are made for eating popcorn on the couch and not for writing blog posts. time to make like a banana and split.