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Currently I’m…

April 7, 2014


Erin Schrader

top and bag: stitch fix // bracelets: bip and bop
phone case: inked panda [use code YELLOW for 20% off]
+ Drinking coffee for lunch because that seemed like the most nutritious/wise thing to do. Especially after recovering from a 12 hour puke session. Do you know how to have the lamest Saturday of your life? Wake up puking and don’t stop until late evening. Make sure to cry somewhere in between the two to really add to the lame and overly dramatic factor. 
+ Excited to head to IKEA this weekend with my mom and sister, also known as the land of magic which holds everything that I don’t need. Except these chairs. I need those so bad it hurts. I also need that fishnet or whatever it is hanging from the sky to gently drape over the back of them. The apple tree wouldn’t hurt either. 
+ Listening to “Talk Dirty To Me”. It creates a really frisky/sexy setting here at home for my dog and I. 
+ Reading the e-book that I forgot I started writing over a year ago. Obviously I was really dedicated to finishing that project….
+ Resisting the urge to stray away from the computer to go for a run outside. WHO AM I AND WHERE DID THE ERIN I KNOW GO? I would try to find her but she probably ran away. pun intended. 
+ Dying over the American Blogger trailer. IT’S REAL AND IT’S HAPPENING [!!!!] Stay tuned for when it will be available to purchase. I believe early June is the word on the street. 
+ Loving that bamboo phone case up above and deciding that I need this one for Summer. 
+ Wanting to open a store front. I go through this phase every 27 months. My husband loves when I get these ideas in my head and how I don’t shut up about them until I forget 12 days later that I ever wanted to do it in the first place [see above e-book reference]. 
+ Disappointed in myself because I still don’t know how to do the Wobble. 
+ About to pee my pants. #coffeeproblems
+ Over everybody and their mom who is on Spring Break right now. No, I don’t want to see your 900th ocean picture for the day and no I am not jealous that you are lounging around doing nothing while I am bashing my face into my desk on Monday morning. 
+ Hungry.
+ Wishing that I had a fog machine, strobe lights, and a disco ball in my office for “in case of emergency” moments.
+ Happy to hear that several of you are snatching up previous month’s Love, Yellow items. To which I reply, #twinning. 
+ Wanting to remind you that there are a few spots left for Tuesday’s Blogger Happy Hour with Taylor and I. It starts at 9:00 pm EST sharp and is bound to a great time full of lots of beneficial information. Book your spot below. 

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