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Ummm So I Ummm Vlogged Again.

June 27, 2012


Erin Schrader

My title could not be any more appropriate.
I say “umm” a lot. And touch my hair like it’s going out of style.
End of story.

Like a genius I asked for questions to answer for today’s vlog from you lovely readers and then realized that Ashley and Nicole had their own little agenda for me to go through.
So, instead of answering your questions, I am answering theirs.
You win some you lose some.
You just lost.
Don’t worry though–I will get those answered. At some point in time.
When I have no other brilliant ideas to write about. So probably like tomorrow.

Anyhow–here you have it. Me in all of my ummmm glory. Not to mention greaseball haven. I had just returned back from a flea market in mid 80 degree temps. Sometimes heat and my face don’t get along. Unless you have like a squeaky door or something that needs fixed.
In which case my face comes in real handy.

YouTube video

K, so that was fun.
Moving on–a few of you asked some questions from yesterdays post.
First one being–where did you get that chevron swimsuit {that your boobs are hanging down your bellybutton in}?

Short Answer: Target.
Drawn out answer: Target approx 1-2 years ago on major clearance. We’re talking like $3 clearance.
Good luck finding that one kids.
Second question was “how do you make that amazeballs sangria??!”

Take 1 bottle white wine (I used Pinot Grigio) and 3 bottles of original Fresca.
Cut up some fruit (I used strawberries, peaches, and an apple) and waaa-la.
Deliciousness in a cup.

As for the dress I just bought from Target–I can’t find the link either on their website.
Looks like you are going to have to make a trip to the store.
Have fun spending way more than you intended……#targettruth.

This post is officially….

Go link up with Ashley & Nicole here.



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