Oh Friday, I am so happy to see your cute little face.
It seems like it’s been a long time comin’ this week.
Apparently the shock of going back to work for a full week will do that to you.
Frickin’ shocks. I prefer three day weeks thank you.
Well lets see, what does Erin want to blog about today?
Great question.
For some silly reason it’s hard to find inspiration when the only thing I have talked about for the past hour is whether or not we should have a garage sale this weekend.
I take that back–I did also share with my husband that I swear I saw a detached single leg laying on the street today when I was driving. Nothing but a single leg limb with jeans and a sneaker on it.
And I had to drive around it people.
He doesn’t believe me.
I mean c’mon. Why would there not be a single leg lying in the middle of a highway?
My point exactly.
So now that you are throwing up in your mouth, I should probably move on to other stuff.
I got a body wrap the other night. Something I swore I would never do.
Which proves my life motto to be true: never say never.
Have you guys done this? You take this lotiony piece of paper and apply it to some place on your body that you magically want to lose a few inches. And then to make the whole process seem ten times more jacked up, you get saran wrapped.
The last time I got Saran wrapped was at a frat party on my 21st birthday.
That’s a joke. It was my 22nd birthday.
Again, a joke.
It looked like this.
Yes, I just showed you a picture of my fat hanging over my yoga pants saran wrapped.
Again, never say never.
They say I lost 1 1/4 inches. I tried to find it in the Saran wrap but never saw it so obviously they were lieing to me. Whatevs. I would do it again just so I could hear my 2 year old niece tell me over and over again to stop being naked. Like she doesn’t run around in a diaper all day long. Please.
Enough about me though, I have somebody who would never show you a picture of her stomach saran wrapped for you today. As in she has class and tact. Must be nice.
She is beautiful, fashionable, funny, skinny, and yeah, one of those girls you would love to hate but can’t. Bre, take it away fabulous.