Before I begin with my typical “this is a bunch of nonsense you are about to read” post,
let me say whoa. and thank you. and gosh I love you.
All of your comments from yesterday kinda blew me {and my email} outta the water.
Hold on. My husband just told me that we are going to Chick-fil-A tonight.
Be back in an hour or two. I’m not kidding. This is like earth shattering I just peed my pants type of news.
Umm hi I am back. Three hours later. Boy do I have a story for you…but first, this was Maggs as we were exiting the house.
Yes, I stopped to take a picture and no I did not rub her belly like she was wanting me to.
Reason number 293229238 why I don’t have children right now.
I would never pet them when they roll over and wag their tail at me.
Right. Kids don’t have tails.
Anyhow–now that I am all hopped up on Dr Pepper, let me tell you what just happened.
So we went to Chick-fil-A obviously.
Can we just let it be known that the sun always shines on Chick-fil-A.
God’s gift I tell you.
I devoured these little nuggies. 12 count. Obviously.
And then things got exciting. All of a sudden we found ourselves in the driveway of a man we found on Craigslist who was selling a fishing boat. Now I don’t know about you guys but we don’t fish.
We do however drink beer. And we like to relax. Preferably in the sun. Hence why we found ourselves in this mans driveway. Before you knew it, we threw that baby up on our trailer and were on our way home with a fishing boat in tow. Take a look. Goochie goochie goo isn’t she so cute?
I knew we made the right decision when the first song that came on the radio after our purchase was this.
Pontoon. Fishing boat. It’s all the same really. I mean, they both go on water.
Needless to say I was excited. And thought that I needed a picture to let it be known.
Turns out my excited face looks very similar to a freakish dinosaur who is just hatching out of an egg. I’m gonna feel like a real idiot now if dino’s don’t hatch out of eggs.
Immediately following my glamorous portrait my husband says “stop with the self portraits”.
So then this happened. Just because I like to obey rules so well.
Basically all this just to let you know that you can now find me on the water fishing my brains out.
Or taking very creepy pictures from the side of the boat. Whichever.
So that’s that.
I can’t wait to see what we come back with after our next trip to Chick-fil-A.
Okay so now that I rambled long enough, I have something else to talk about.
And that something else happens to be a woman that I think is pretty amazeballs.
You must check out her shop. Like must. I say that only because my birthday is coming up
{cough July 17th cough} and I am kinda dying to have this ring.
Do you not love? Oh the things I would do to own that sucker.
Oh, stop. Like you wouldn’t do the same.
Say hello to Anna and see what she has to say, k?
Let me get right to the point so that you can get back to LIY and all of Erin’s hysterically hysterical posts. that’s right. i think she is so funny that she can be called hysterical twice in one sentence… here we go: I am Anna. I am a momma and a business owner over at Wish Design Shop.
I also am a blogger but it doesn’t really have a ton to do with my biz even though you will see that my blog exists on the same site. I’ve always loved to write and take photo’s of anything and everything so it’s a free for all over there people. I mean, seriously. My business is a curated (by yours truly) online shop of handmade jewelry. Only the sweetest, most well-made pieces we can find make in on the site. I do make some of the jewelry myself. in fact, that is how I started off—–> with just my pieces.
An example of what’s on the site: the feather bangle bracelet. sweet and simple.
Swing on over and take a look dudes! What are you waiting for?
Check out the jewelry and then peek at the blog to see just who it is that is behind Wish Design Shop.
Thank goodness for me, my shopping freeze is OVER as of Thursday.
It’s been a long time coming friends. A long freakin’ time. More on this later though.
PS. Noelle and Kelsi if you are reading, mad props to you both for painting your dad’s office yellow so that he can live in yellow 24/7. I adore you and your little yellow loving brains. Meet soon, yes?