You know, usually I am not much of a TV person.However, it is not often that I have The Bachelorette with Emily Maynard {love that girl}, Giuliana & Bill, Betty White’s Off Their Rockers, and The Ellen Show to watch all in one week.
I feel as though I just died and went to television Heaven.
Needless to say, I am a little pre-occupied at the moment.
Let’s discuss some matters of business for a minute. Calm down, I only said for a minute.
Giveaway winners. Let’s zap through those quick.
Katie, you won a fabulous tote from The Eyes Of The Mrs.
Brooke, you won a gorgeous bracelet from June 1989.
Congratulations you little lucky saps. I will be emailing you shortly.
Next item—sponsorship for June.
I have 1 Large spot left and several medium spots still up for grabs.
You can find everything you need to know about sponsoring Living In Yellow and more here.
Email me to claim your spot. And then drop it like it’s hot. In that order.
Third, I miss shopping. Like severely bad. I had been doing okay until I started looking at websites. Now I am kicking myself in the shins. That’s all I have to say about that.
Fourth, I am trying to set more “boundaries” with blogging. Turns out I am pretty good at letting it consume my entire life. Also turns out that when I allow it do that, I don’t really enjoy my life. Vacation was a perfect reminder that I need to tone things down a bit and do much more important things, like sit in front of the TV. And drink outside on the patio. That seems to be pretty entertaining. So yes, I will still post my brains out and focus on my content and how I can help sponsors—but I may have to say “no” to some of the extras, ie: guest posts on other blogs, product reviews, giveaways, and perhaps responding to emails a day or two later than when they came in.
I love life. And I love it even more when I am actually experiencing it. Ya heard?
Fifth, I am peeling like a mother now. Shoulders, neck, arms. Just fyi. It’s hot.
Annnnnd last but not least, the clothes drive I am hosting is happening this Wednesday night. Woop Woop. Here is a glimpse of what my car looks like at the moment.
I can’t wait to give all those goodies out to younger girls. On second thought—I did mention that I miss shopping severely bad. Looks like I just struck gold. #Joking.
A huge thank you to everybody who has donated. Friends, family, and even bloggers in other states. Yes, that would include you and you. Thank you SO much.
Okay, I lied. I have one more thing. Guess who just bought a ticket to attend The Influence Conference in Indy come October? Two fingers pointing my way.
Come join me. I want to meet you. Please, please, and please?
Okay kids, that’s all I got. I am off now to go try to get the bug that is stuck in my eyeball out.
And you think I am kidding…