$20 Dolla Make You Holla {aka Hannah}
Dear $20 Dolla Make You Holla,
Let me tell you what a problem would be—
If you spent MORE than $20 on a “normal” t-shirt.
Let me tell you why.
If a “normal” t-shirt has a price tag of $20 or more it means one {or all} of the following:
Which really means “buy this shirt—wear it a couple of times—never wash it because who in the world knows how to hand wash—and then retire the shirt because it now smells and/or has armpit stains”
It is an awkward moment when you get taken for a stripper.
Not that I would know or anything…
Bows that you will have to be smart enough to know how to tie properly.
Clearly a daunting task if your bow tying abilities are anything like mine.
{ie: lambs wool, cashmere, goat thread, etc}.
This will most likely make you break out in allergic reaction which will send you to the ER.
Combine your ER bills with the price of shirt, and you have one hefty unnecessary expense.
So no, you do not have a problem.
It is everybody else who looks all fancy that has a problem.
And less expensive.
And a lot less itchier.
Not long either, just a neat and well managed hair style, even a military cut would work.
Maybe you can help.
All I Think About Is Frog Hair
{aka Teresa}
What do you mean frogs don’t have hairstyles?
I had to take a picture of that little cutie and it’s nice little hairdo just for you.
No but really, if you haven’t seen any frogs at your local hair salon, this is what I recommend.
Buy a chia pet.
You want it to have a mullet? Make it have a mullet.
What about a nice little bob? Give it a bob.
You make that frog beautiful girlfriend.
But keep your eye open at your next hair appointment.
You may be surprised to see who is sitting next to you.
This has been a burning desire of mine to know the answer to for my entire life.
Or at least since I learned how to spell my name.
Why do people always think my name is Laura or Lauren, even when I spell my name out for them or even after I’ve worked with them for several years? It’s mind-boggling.
Say My Name, Say My Name
{aka Laurel}
Dear Say My Name, Say My Name,
You poor thing.
There are two major factors playing against you.
1. America is a an awfully assuming bunch.
We assume we know it all.
Especially when it comes to your name.
You say Laurel, all we hear is Laura because well, we assume that’s what you said.
2. We not only assume things, we listen to our Ipods at volumes that should be considered illegal.
Thus resulting in us not being able to hear what you are saying in the first place.
We see your mouth move, but those words that are coming out?
Totally didn’t hear it.
So when you mouth say “Laurel” we see Lauren.
Here is what I recommend to get this traumatic problem fixed.
The next time somebody asks you your name, simply respond with:
“Bend over and I’ll show ya”
That’s all you have to say and trust me, you will have their attention.
This will cause them to stutter and then ask you to repeat yourself.
At which time, you can drop your real name on them like a bomb.
Believe you me, they will get your name correct from that point on.
Easy as that.
And there you have it.
Dear Erin, round one: Complete.
Wanna get it on the fun?
Email me your question at
I will do my best to help you solve all of lifes problems.
Or at least help try to figure out why frogs don’t have hair…