Happy Monday Party People.
I love when I receive inspiration for a blog post just out of the blue.
Like one minute you are thinking
“Welp, it’s gonna be a sucky week on the blog because I have zilch to write about”
and then wham bam thank you ma’m–something happens and you think
“Waaa-la! I have a blog post”
Well, yesterday this exact thing happened to me.
It was like any other day-I went to check my email for the 127th time {in an hour}
and I had an email waiting for me from a precious girl
{whom you will have the opportunity to meet this month}
inquiring about sponsoring on my blog.
In the email she went on about how she was questionable if I would want her to sponsor my blog or not–
All because her blog isn’t specific to anything.
No crafts, No Recipes, Nothing real “exciting” {so she says}.
Just Her.
Her Life.
And whatever she wants to write about.
While reading her words, my head started to explode with different thoughts.
It took me back to a place where I was when I began blogging.
You see–I had thoughts of blogging for quite sometime before I actually started.
I just would never act on it.
I kept telling myself
“What is there to blog about?! You have no real talents to share with the world-
You don’t specialize in Crafting, Recipes, Photography, Blah Blah Blah”
So I didn’t.
Instead, I kept wishing I would find a reason I could blog.
I am so glad that on February 1st, I thought–the heck with it.
I am going to write.
I have no clue what I am going to write about, but I am going to write.
And so I did.
And suddenly my wishes turned to reality.
So often I will be in discussion with somebody and the topic will get brought up about how I blog.
Of course they always ask
“What do you blog about?!”
And up until recently, I would cringe on the inside.
“Uhhh….I don’t really know?! Nothing really?!”
And then I would secretly hope that they wouldn’t start reading it because Lord knows what they would think of me after reading my non-sense.
I am so thankful that I have now come to a place where I am confident with my blog.
My blog is a reflection of me.
I write about what I want to write about, whenever I want to write about it.
I love it all.
I think it is time we stop feeling the need to justify our blogs-or why we blog-etc etc.
Do it because you love it.
And if you are doing it, you might as well embrace it.
Cheers To You, Me, Your Blog, My Blog.
Whatever it is you write about–
May you embrace it, love it, and own it.
In celebration of doing the above,
I thought this post would be a good time to show off your work.
Your blog is your masterpiece, share it with the world.
Link up below so myself and others can enjoy your space on the world wide web.
And if you so desire–
pass the word along to your readers via your blog, Facebook, or Twitter that you’ve done so, so that they can do the same.
The more the merrier 🙂
Founder and creator of LIY, Erin turned her dream of a hobby blog into a full-time career which she now runs alongside the LIY team! When not in front of her computer screen [with a La Croix or wine in hand] or in front of a mirror taking mirror selfies, you can find Erin spending time on the water, cuddled up with her two pups and husband most likely watching the latest Shark Tank episode, or getting lost in an easy beach read.