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My Life-His Mission

December 26, 2011


Erin Schrader

Top of the mornin’ to ya.
If you are anything like me today, you are recovering from the Holidays.
As in cleaning every square inch of your house, finding a new home for all of your gifts,
and thinking up every possible way to spend the cash you just received.
Which reminds me, I should probably head out shopping…NOW.
So, because I have some cash to burn,
I’m going to let somebody else work for me today.
Her name is Kerry and she is nothing shy of fabulous.
I love, love, love her heart.
Passionate people intrique me, and this girl is just that.
You will want to check her out.
Starting, Now.
Hello, my name is Kerry and I blog over at My Life-His Mission.  
I would first like to say thank you to Erin.  I love this blog and I love her.
She makes me laugh and I just love her sense of style and the candor with which she writes.
Now a little about me…
I am Mommy to this little angel, Alivea
and wife to this awesome guy, Denny.
My Life – His Mission is where I chronicle my attempt at living out pure and faultless religion.  
The phrase “pure and faultless religion” comes from James 1:27 which says that
 “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this, to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” 
 It is with that aim that I want to live my life.  
I have a huge heart for adoption and for orphans.  
My Life – His Mission is where I lay it all out- my life with my daughter (who is adopted),
my life as wife to my husband, and trying to save the world one orphan at a time. 
 I have started a small ministry called moja with my two friends, Shelby and Jodie, and we are working on raising money for orphans and orphan homes in Uganda.  
I also love all things crafty, especially sewing.  
I am not perfect, and neither is my blog. 
 I am just a real girl trying to live my life to please my Father.

You can also find me on Facebook or Twitter.  And I also have a small Etsy shop.
Come back tomorrow to read a post identical to everybody else and their mom’s when I talk about my Christmas.
In the mean time, seriously

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