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Confession Time

August 3, 2011


Erin Schrader

The time has come my friends…

time to bare all.
Time to share the good, the bad, and the ugly sides of me.
And by that I totally just mean the bad and the ugly.
As hard as it is to believe…I have some bad habits.
{Act shocked, it will make me feel better…}
Habits that sometimes gross me out, make my husband mad, and often leave me pondering
“Why in the world do I do that?!?”
So just to make sure I am presenting all sides of me to you little pickles, I compiled a list.
Ready for it?
Read on readette’s.

1. The past couple of weeks I have gotten in the habit of not always brushing my teeth before falling asleep. It really isn’t pleasant. Please do not try it out.

2. Speaking of my awesome hygiene, I NEVER floss. As in never. Only time those babies see the string between their teeth is twice a year when I show up to my dentist appointments.

3. I am the WORST nail painter ever. I ignore the lines and plop that paint wherever my heart desires. My husband recently told me that my 1 1/2 yr old niece would do a better job than me. Whatever. I punched him in the face and he apologized
 {Okay, joke..but the thought might’ve crossed my mind.}
It’s not like the stuff doesn’t wash off my skin…now if I could figure out how to get it off our floors, door knobs, and my hair.

4. I eat pepper jack cheese with coffee on a regular basis. It really is a dynamic duo.

5. I don’t believe in using drinking glasses at home. I drink straight outta the 2 liter of pop-and then backwash everything possible to backwash
{I deny this fact to my husband regularly though..hoping he does not read this post}. Anybody wanna come have a drink at my house 😉

6. I dodge people on a regular basis when I am out in public so I don’t have to stand and chat.

7. On the days that I workout on my lunch {which are few & far between these days},
I sweat my head off..and do not shower before returning back to work.
I think the wet hair look is really pretty. And the smell is even better.

8. I leave my chewed pieces of gum everywhere-on top of cabinets, coffee tables, and on my night stand. I’ve even found it on the side of my car (oops).

This irritates my husband like crazy.
I say he needs to get the gum outta his panties & loosen up 😉

9. Speaking of chewed gum, I always put it into my bottles of water/pop/juice because I like finding a treasure at the end of my drink {and it also gives your drink a little extra kick.}
I then proceed to chew it again. It’s fabulous.

10. Speaking of bottles of water, I always have to have at least one with me at all times.
If I don’t, I have anxiety. Not kidding.

11. I could eat Advil like it’s my job. Sucking on that stuff makes my mouth happy. Thankfully I have not become a pill popping addict because of this.

12. I will cry at just about anything. Stick a cartoon on and chances are tears will be streaming down my face at one point during the 30 minute segment.
A teething toddler’s got nothin’ on me.

13. And of course, this has been deleted by the husband. #Myhusbandneedstostopreadingmyposts.
{I acted like I just tweeted and I really have no idea how you do it.}
Chances are high I just put the # symbol in the wrong spot.

And the list could go on, and on, and on {which will happen eventually, TBC folks.
That would be “To Be Continued” for all of you non acronym people).
Which leads me to my next point-
This post was way too easy for me to write.
Give me some awe-inspiring subject to write about and I will spend days dwelling on what to type.
Tell me to list my flaws and wham bam thank you ma’m I crank those babies out like rice cakes.
{Are you now wondering if rice cakes actually get cranked out of machines? Me too.}

Even though some of the traits/qualities/habits I listed above aren’t totally stellar,
they make me..ME.
They keep my life interesting, leave the hubs on the seat of his pants..and well, 
I kinda like interesting..and my husband on the seat of his without pants for that matter.
Sorry mom.
..Speaking of your mom {ha ha}, who is ready for an awkward & awesome post tomorrow?!
Not me…Better get writing pronto.
See you then pretty petunias.
Mwah, mwah, and mwah.

PS. Please tell me you still love me after reading all of my flaws, because I totally love you.

Told ya.

PPS. Thank you to Katie over at Keep Calm & Carry On for inspiring this post. Anybody else want to be motivated to write about all of your flaws? Head over there..it just may do the trick on you that it did on me.

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