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Awkward & Awesome Thursday

June 23, 2011


Erin Schrader

Sweet mother of pearl it’s Thursday.
Which is almost Friday.
Which is almost the weekend.
Hallelujah. Let the angels rejoice.
I’m gettin’ straight into things today k?
Lets go.
1. So some {or all} of you may be aware of the vinyl lettering you can put on your walls, right?
Nice little words like Live, Laugh, Love…a big butterfly in a girls bedroom, or maybe Welcome in your entryway. All completely normal and not creepy what-so-ever.
A woman who shall remain nameless but might’ve given birth to to me decided she would like a nice little saying over her bed.
You can imagine me and my sister’s reaction when she announced 
 “I want to put Spread Kindness above our bed!”
Picture with me if you will:
And then picture your reaction to walking into a strangers bedroom and seeing the word “spread” right above their bed.
Thankfully we talked her out of that idea.
I don’t need to know who is spreadin’ what in any bed.
2. So my sister once had a dog. And the dog let out really bad gas on occasion. And by occasion I mean very frequently. One of those times another male who shall remain nameless {hint: has grey hair and I wrote a post to him a few days back} happened to be standing directly behind the dog when this occurred. Unfortunately, the male inhaled on accident-sucking every ounce of dog stank into his mouth. This then turned into the male bolting out my front door and vomiting repeatedly in my front yard.
Picture with me if you will:
I made the executive decision to leave a male vomiting in a front yard due to a dog’s fart off my blog today.
Maybe tomorrow that will seem a little more normal?
3. Walking into Chipotle, standing in line for a solid 10 minutes, smiling to those around me, and chatting it up with the person creating my wonderful masterpiece-all while looking like this:
No, that is not a pimple about to make it’s grand appearance as it may appear.
It is a piece of fig newton that I happened to be feeding to my niece prior to walking into Chipotle.
Figgy-hope you remember the good ole’ saying about paybacks.
Consider yourself warned.

4. The other day I was partaking in one of my favorite work time activities-
downing a 6 pack of whole grain crackers with cheddar cheese.
Those wandering little cracker crumbs decided to make their way down between my two lady friends. So I went fishing for those crumbs and mid-cast, a co-worker decided to walk by.
We made eye contact-my arm was down the front of my shirt-and it was awkward.
End of story.

1. Finally my brain decided to go on a date with ideas for my blog.
It’s a new little link-up party I am going to do that will be entitled “I wish..but I love”
Lucky for you-you have no idea what that means yet.
Suspense is killer.
TBR soon.
Which totally stands for To Be Revealed in case you didn’t catch on.
Like me over on the sidebar would ya?
Thanks, I like you too 😉
3. So that same little fig newton eating niece of mine had her first experience in Chick-fil-a this past week. She bawked like a chicken the whole time she was in there.
If you don’t recall I have a massive love for Chick-fil-a {read here}.
Needless to say, I have never been more proud of that little girl and have decided that bawking is now necessary whenever stepping foot on a Chick-fil-a premises.
Genius idea Claire. Genius.
4. This:
Holy moma.
My world has been changed forever with that little bowl.
It was a challenge for me not to lick it when picking it off the shelves at Target.
Oh precious little mac & cheese, I can’t wait to put you in your new home.
5. The fact that you still have 3 days to enter the Crystelle Chic giveaway.
Do so by clicking here.
$25 for free?
No brainer if you ask me.
6. Another fact: I am now done writing this post and get to move on to much bigger and better items on my agenda-like scratching my husbands head and drinking hot tea.
It’s pretty normal in these parts.
Wanna come join in on the fun?
We can act like we are in elementary school and check for lice for one another.
It’s really pretty enjoyable.
Act like those moments weren’t the highlight of your younger days..
If you want to linky-loo today feel free.
Your pretty cool if you do..
just sayin.
Just fill out that little form below and put this button either in your post or on your sidebar.
And don’t break the rules…
I’ve been working out lately and I would hate to have to introduce you to the enormously big muscles that I’ve formed.
K, peace out lover beans 🙂

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